To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: William Ratcliff, Past R3 Director 2008-2009 Sb: Region 3 Past Director Report for August 30 ExCom Dt: 29 August 2010 The impact of a Region Director-Elect, Director and Past Director during their time in these leadership positions is dependent on many factors with the greatest being the commitment of members like Dick Riddle. Dick's contribution, over these many years, has directly influenced the success of Region 3, the entire IEEE and your success as well. I am truly grateful for his service and look forward to many more years of his involvement in the future even using more electronic collaboration and less face to face time. The bottom line of our success involves engaging more of the members of IEEE. The ability to achieve the advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity, help the members employment opportunities / careers ... Depends on the level of engagement of the people in IEEE. If you want to find out how you can become more engaged attend the Region 3 Fall Meeting in Atlanta, 1-3 October 2010. _ |_)0 |_)||_|_ William B. Ratcliff IEEE Region 3 Past Director 912-356-5379(H,O) 912-210-1759(mobile) e-mail