Dear Region 3 ExCom, Section Chairs and Sections Congress Delegates, This is the next to last Region 3 ExCom of 2011 and we still have a lot to do to support our fellow members. Key topics that will be discussed tonight include, - Sections Congress 2011. I've asked all of our Delegates to prepare a "bullet list" of activities that can be delivered at their home Section as a result of their new knowledge gained at Sections Congress 2011. - Section Jobs Board. Ed Kirchner, George McClure and I have been promoting the creation of "Jobs Boards" in every Section. This is where local resources gather, maintain and communicate the available jobs that are in the area around the Section. For more information on this topic, George McClure has written an article at, The creation of a Section Jobs Board can be one of your key activities coming from Sections Congress. - Huntsville Metro Area Workshop. IEEE MGA along with help from the Huntsville Section has developed a workshop that will give you a unique learning experience that will greatly benefit your career. Technical topics have been carefully selected that will ensure that you are up to date on technology that is in demand today. In addition, on the second day, a special track on Career Assistance will be offered. This is an offering that your company will see value in your participation. Please review the workshop detail at, and in the attachment. Please try to attend this important workshop in Region 3 and ask your company to support you. Also please quickly tell the rest of your Section that this workshop will be held in Huntsville on November 4-5, 2011 at the Von Braun Center. We will talk more and answer all of your questions tonight. Sincerely, Lee Stogner, PMP Director, Region 3 Email