To: Region 3 Committee Cc: Region 3 ExCom Fr: David G. Green, Region 3 Director-Elect Sb: Director-Elect's Report for October ExCom Dt: 10 October 2011 It was a pleasure to see many of you at Sections Congress 2011. This was an exciting, educational, and engaging event for all of us. I hope you gathered a lot of useful information and ideas to that you can bring back to Region 3 for our benefit. Several of our Region 3 volunteers participated in the program -- thanks to all for the contributions! Director Stogner and I proposed a tool for assisting Region and Section leaders in sending personalized e-mail as part of the MGA R1-6 initiative. The activity includes choosing the tool(s), forwarding servers, and preparing documentation and training. We are funded to work on this in 2011 and time is getting short. Anyone who is interested in this should contact me. I hope that the Region 3 Communications Committee will provide leadership for this project. Congratulations to Mary Ellen Randall who has been chosen by the members of Region 3 to be our next Director-Elect. I look forward to working with her to continue to improve IEEE and the Region. If you have seen the list of volunteers elected to the various leadership positions, please consult . I hope all is going well with you and your IEEE activities. I am very interested in hearing about your challenges and successes in your IEEE activities. Goals for 2011: * Work on a planning effort for Region 3 to encompass Sections Congress, MGA, Region 3 and its sections (in progress) * Visit at least four Area/Councils (falling short here) * Actively participate on Region 3 Committee, the ExCom, and Region 3 Committees as appropriate and required (continuing) * In support of and in coordination with Director Stogner and the 2011 Region 3 Goals and Objectives, enable and encourage Region 3 committees to be effective in fulfilling their charter. (in progress) As an action report for 2011 since my last report, I have * Participated on MGA vTools Committee * Participated in several activities associated with being a Past Secretary, Past Treasurer, and member of several IEEE Committees including IEEE FinCom, IEEE Governance, and IEEE IT Strategy Committee * Participated in planning efforts for this event and 2012 * Prepared an article for the R3 Newsletter on results of the Region 3 Meeting before Sections Congress as well as well as follow-up polling.