Hampton Roads Section Report, ExCom 20 October 2011 Feedback from Sections Congress Hampton Roads Section goals: 1. Have one technical meeting hosted by each of 5 student chapters during the year 2012, and two networking meetings to bring students and professional members together. 2. Two Senior member meetings 3. Recognize at least two highly participative Section members at the Region level 4. Spur a nomination of one more Fellow in the Section 5. Form an IAS chapter 6. Form Three affinity groups in this order: Life, Gold, and WIE 7. Have a golf tournament fund raiser to starting bringing a student team to South East con for the Student paper contest 8. Have at least two section officers present at South East Con 9. Grow the Section by engaging more existing members 10. Compete in some high performing Section awards Ambitious,but with enough engaged members I think it is doable Regards, Jennifer Jennifer Ammentorp Chair, Hampton Roads Power and Energy Society (HR-PES) Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers