Melbourne Section Report, ExCom 10 October 2011 Sections Congress Feedback. Melbourne Section Bullet List of actions/goals as a result of SC11: 1. Networking opportunity provided several opportunities for engagement with other sections, affinity groups and societies. Our section hopes to achieve or continue collaboration in the following ways: 1.1 PES Chapter creation: Given the multitude of industries (Harris, GE, FPL etc.) as well as a large population of science & engineering faculty and students located in the Brevard area it seems natural to introduce this chapter to promote interest and encourage professional development in electrical power 1.2 GOLD members sharing experiences and techniques for member engagement 2. Breakout Sessions provided wealth of information of which our section plans to promote by: 2.1Including information provided in our career development activities. For example the Networking Skills and Career Management sessions were particularly excellent sessions which would be incorporated with author permissions in our present Career Development meeting activities. 2.2 There was a strong focus on social media at SC11. The Melbourne section had previously started using some avenues such as LinkedIn to engage members and potential members in activities. We now plan to have a facebook group page. Information provided in the breakout session on "Member Engagement Using Social Media" will be used as a guide to help us manage and use these tools effectively. Thank you. Sincerely, Sasha.