SoutheastCon 2012 Report Papers accepted totaled 160. Six workshops were accepted. Thus far, 24 student hardware teams have registered (the deadline is March 1). Three student ethics teams are registered Seven student software competition teams have registered thus far. The competitions will end at 4 p.m., allowing three hours before the banquet starts at 7 p.m. The program will be laid out on Monday (President’s Day). The hotel will review our space allocations on Tuesday, the 14th. A conference planning review will be held on Saturday, the 18th. We are planning for the Wyndham, but Nova Southeastern University’s Orlando campus is an alternate location. There is concern that some attendees will make room reservations outside the room block we have guaranteed, so that we won’t get credit for their rooms. We are checking with the hotel about possible safeguards against this. George McClure