IEEE Lexington Section Report for Southeastcon 2012 -------------------------------------------------------- The Lexington Section has had another busy year in 2011. Monthly meetings averaging 20 attendees were just a start. Issuing Professional Development Hours (PDHs) continued to be a draw increasing meeting attendance. The new ITT Student branch, under the direction of Rachel Wilson, and Power and Energy Society (PES) Chapter, chaired by Adam Ward, each established last year, expanded our reach to students and the power community. The Section display tables at UK's Engineer's Day were a popular stop as we gave away home-made DC motor and electromagnet kits. Volunteer sign-ups, kit preparation and brochure printing were all coordinated by Chris Franklin. Educational outreach has taken a quantum leap this year. Jack McKinney established a fund managed by the IEEE Foundation and has been contacting local businesses for contributions. The goal is to raise $12,000 in 2012 to purchase Lego NXT Robot kits for "Robot Camps" held throughout the Bluegrass. He is optimistic on achieving, or even exceeding, the goal. Adam Ward had the privilege of presenting five PES scholarships to UK students last week. Each scholarship is worth up to $7000. UK College of Engineering Dean Tom Lester expressed his thanks for IEEE's generosity and emphasized the new oppertunities for power engineers. We have students from both UK and ITT at SEC this year. We are proud to have ITT here for their first hardware competition. UK has entered the paper, t-shirt and hardware contests and chartered a bus to provide economical transportation to and from the conference. Issues ------ Our biggest challenge has been the preparation of the annual financial report using the new NetSuite tool. After several frustrating hours our treasurer finally had to improvise by mailing in the information using last year's format. The email describing an assessment of Section funds for HQ was also troubling, we hope to learn more at the conference. Finding fresh officers continues to be difficult. Future ------ Next year will be the Section's 50th year, we are working on how to commemorate the milestone. The following year, 2014, we look forward to hosting Southeastcon in Lexington. Don Hill is in the early stages of planning the event. Respectfully submitted, Ray A. Williams 2012 Lexington Section Chair