To: Region 3 ExCom Fr: Gregg Vaughn, Region 3 Secretary Sb: Secretary's Report Dt: 29 May 2013 The Region 3 meeting information, agenda, and reports received are on-line at We will be meeting by way of WebEx. I thank Committee members who have submitted their reports prior to the meeting according to the guidelines posted on the web. These reports are posted to the web linked with the agenda. These written reports provide an important communication function for the region and also serve as the archival mechanism. There is a full roster of Region 3 on the private web site. Since 1998, the Region 3 ExCom meeting announcements, agendas, and minutes have been posted to the web under the structure . Under this space is a directory yyyy-mm or yyyy-m1m2 (yyyy is year, mm is month, m1m2 is month 1 and month 2 if the meeting spanned the boundary between months). Thanks to everyone for the commitment you have made towards making IEEE a valuable member-driven organization! Gregg -- Gregg Vaughn g.vaughn [at] IEEE Region 3 Secretary (2010-2013)