Director-Elect Report December 11, 2017 Director-Elect Report, December 11, 2017 We are looking forward to a great new year in 2018. Maybe it will be as great as this year under the leadership of Jim Conrad, to whom we all owe a debt of thanks. Jim contributed countless hours to IEEE Region 3 and IEEE in general. He continues to serve as a volunteer in the MOVE effort for disaster relief. Such a Director will be difficult to follow. I will depend of his advice a great deal in 2018 and I will attempt to do the successful things that Jim did. Here is what I have been doing recently. (1) I attended the IEEE Board series in Phoenix AZ in November. At that meeting I attended the IEEE-USA Board meeting, the MGA Board meeting, and the IEEE Board meeting. I also attended an orientation session for new Directors. (2) I have appointed all of the IEEE Region 3 ExCom Committee Chairs and officers (that are not elected) for 2018. Here is the list. Secretary Chase Battaglio Treasurer Ken Pigg Awards & Recognition Committee Chair Kristin Bing Member Activities Committee Chair Sonya Dillard Conference Committee Chair Sean Haynes Section Support Committee Chair Mark Torres Operational Audit Committee Chair Bill Harrison Professional Activities Committee Chair Theresa Brunasso Strategic Operations and Support Committee Chair David Green Student Activities Committee Chair Victor Basantes In addition Jill Gostin is the Director-Elect and Jim Conrad is the Past Director, both of which were elected by the members of Region 3. Each of these committees has several members with specific duties. Not all of the committee members have yet been identified. I have asked the committee chairs to help me identify committee members. If you are available to serve on one of these committees please let David Green know. (4) I have set the meeting dates and time for the Region 3 ExCom for 2018. Here is a list. January 15, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. February 19, 2018, No ExCom meeting. IEEE Board series. March 19, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. April 16, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. April 19-22, 2018, SoutheastCon 2018, St. Petersburg, FL. April 22, 2018, IEEE Region 3 Committee meeting. May 21, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. June 18, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. July 16, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. August 20, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. September 17, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. Vote on Director-Elect Candidates. October 15, 2018, IEEE Region 3 Committee meeting, WebEx. Endorse Director-Elect Candidates. November 19, 2018, No ExCom meeting. IEEE Board series. December 17, 2018, IEEE Region 3 ExCom meeting, WebEx. Respectively submitted, Gregg Vaughn, IEEE Region 3 Director-Elect 2016-2017