IEEE Region 3 Executive Committee - 2023

Updated: 17 January 2024

* Denotes voting member of R3 ExCom

1.  * Director -- Eric Grigorian
2.  * Director Elect -- Sonya Dillard
3.  * Secretary -- Pat Donohoe
4.  * Treasurer -- Joe Pennisi
5.  * Past Director -- Theresa Brunasso
6.  * Area 1 North Carolina and Virginia -- James Imanian
7.  * Area 2 Georgia and South Carolina -- Wyman Williams
8.  * Area 3 Florida -- Raul Ortega
9.  * Area 4 Kentucky and Tennessee -- Paul Kuban
10. * Area 5 Mississippi, Alabama and Jamaica -- Daniel Diaz
11. * Awards and Recognition Committee -- Nelson Lourenco, Chair
           Vice Chair -- Devon Gayle
           Professional Activities Representative -- 
           Educational Activities Coordinator -- Damith Wickramamayake
           Section Representative 1 -- James Imanian
           Section Representative 2 -- Wyman Williams
           Section Representative 3 -- Raul Ortega
           Section Representative 4 -- Paul Kuban
           Section Representative 5 -- Daniel Diaz
12. * Member Communications -- Andrew Seely, Chair
           Member Recruitment & Retention Coordinator -- Patrick Kung
           Newsletter Editor -- Bill LaBelle
           Assistant Editor (ad hoc) -- Evelyn Licona
           Webmaster -- Lucas Sweet
           Assistant Webmaster (ad hoc) -- Brian Page
           Information Coordinator -- Vishwas Powar
           Fellows Coordinator -- Hulya Kirkici
13. * Conference Committee -- Joe Juisai, Chair
           Vice Chair -- Stephen Hopkins 
           Director-Elect -- Sonya Dillard
           Past Chair -- Eric Ackerman
           Regional Student Activities Chair -- Bailey Heyman
           Conference Operations Specialist -- Tamseel Syed
           Conference Operations Specialist -- Wyman Williams
           Industry Engagement Coordinator -- Chan Wong
           Industry Engagement Coordinator -- John McDonald
           Region 3 Treasurer -- Joe Pennisi
           Former Region Director -- Jim Conrad 
           Southeastcon 2023, Orlando -- Joe Juisai
           Southeastcon 2024, Atlanta -- Alessio Medda
           Southeastcon 2025, Charlotte -- Charles Lord
           Southeastcon 2026, Huntsville -- Will Goins
14 * Finance (FINCOM) Committee -- Joe Pennisi, Chair
           Director -- Eric Grigorian
           Director-Elect -- Sonya Dillard
           Past Director -- Theresa Brunasso
           Secretary -- Pat Donohoe
           Conference Committee Chair -- Joe Juisai
15. * Section Support -- Kristin Bing, Chair
           Member Recruitment & Retention Coordinator -- Patrick Kung 
           Life Member Coordinator -- Jacob Kulangara 
           Young Professional Coordinator -- Binesh Kumar
           Women in Engineering Coordinator -- Ebonee Walker
           Senior Member Elevation Coordinator -- Hermann Amaya
           Section Operations Specialist -- Charles Lord
           Section Operations Specialist -- Mark Torres
           Project Coordinator -- Allen Jones
           Technical Activities Coordinator -- Arup Ghosh
           Educational Activities Coordinator -- Damith Wickramamayake
16. * Nominations and Appointments -- Theresa Brunasso, Chair
           Past Director -- Jim Conrad
           Past Director -- Jill Gostin
           Young Professional Coordinator -- Binesh Kumar
17. * Operational Audit -- Gregg Vaughn, Chair
           Committee Member 1 -- 
           Committee Member 2 -- Damith Wickramamayake
           Committee Member 3 -- Steve Kemp
           Committee Member 4 -- Arup Ghosh
18. * Professional Activities -- Sharlene Brown, Chair
           Past PAC Chair -- David Fillion
           IEEE-USA Career and Professional Dev Comm Rep -- David Fillion
           Government Activities Coordinator (USA-GAC) -- Lee Stogner
           Student Professional Awareness Coordinator -- 
19. * Strategic Operations and Support -- David Green, Chair
           Vice Chair -- Jill Gostin
           Operational Audit Committee Chair -- Gregg Vaughn
           Director (non-voting) -- Eric Grigorian
           Director-Elect (non-voting) -- Sonya Dillard
           Secretary (non-voting) -- Pat Donohoe
           Treasurer (non-voting) -- Joe Pennisi
20. * Student Activities -- Bailey Heyman, Chair
           SAC Vice Chair -- Praveen Kumar
           SAC Past Chair -- Victor Basantes
           Student Representative -- Kennedy Mays
           SAC Liaison to PAC -- 
           SAC Advisor -- Chase Battaglio
Other Positions including Region 3 Representatives to IEEE Committees
           Humanitarian Technologies Board - Region 3 Rep -- Raj Gurupur
           Regional Vitality Coordinator -- Sonya Dillard
           Admission and Advancement Committee -- Hermann Amaya
           Educational Activities Coordinator -- Damith Wickramamayake
           Industry Engagement Coordinator -- Chan Wong
           Industry Engagement Coordinator -- John McDonald

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.