IEEE 3 Ad Hoc Committee E-Conf - September 17, 2001

DaveG>> Sounds like no...


DaveG>> has agenda which is ...

DaveG>> 1. - Current Status SEC02 Registration - Jim Howard

DaveG>> 2. - Possible Alternatives - All

DaveG>> 3. - Volunteer from Committee for duties - All

DaveG>> 4. - Future SEC's Discussion - All

DaveG>> 5. - Next Meeting Time/Date

DaveG>> Any changes to agenda? Q/C?

DaveG>> JimH -> any opening comments?

JimH>> Yes ...

JimH>> Hopefully everyone has seen the emails I sent out about this mtg ...

JimH>> over the last few days and has had a chance to reveiw them ...

JimH>> is this correct?

DaveG>> Q/C?

ChipD>> c

DaveG>> GA ChipD

ChipD>> I have not seen

ChipD>> Jims emails

DaveG>> seem to have been sent 9/12 to <>, <>, <>

JimH>> q

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Charles, did you forward the emails to the Conf Comm?

CharlesL>> (sorry system hung) - no, was not forwarded

JimH>> c

DaveG>> Chip, I just mailed #2 to you... GA JimH

JimH>> Ok, I will start with a little background ...

JimH>> Background:

JimH>> - SEC02 Host Comm. mbrs worked on the registration for SEC01 at the conference.

JimH>> - SEC02 Host Comm. felt this was the hardest area for the local volunteers to handle.

JimH>> - SEC02 Host Comm. found a local contractor to handle the Registration for SEC02.

JimH>> - R3 could not approve the contract with the local contractor - it had no toal cost.

JimH>> - R3 met with the SEC02 Host Comm.

JimH>> - R3 has agreed to handle the registration for SEC02.

JimH>> (Refer to Mtg Min on SEC02 Comm. - June 2, 2001 for more details on the

JimH>> agreements.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> OK to the agenda...

DaveG>> 1. - Current Status SEC02 Registration - Jim Howard ...

DaveG>> JimH do you have more to add to start this item?

JimH>> yes

JimH>> Current Status:

JimH>> - Jim Howard working with SEC02 Committee on Registartion form

JimH>> - R3 is responsible for all aspects for SEC02 registrations. This may include contracting out the registration, handling it with R3 volunteers, etc.

JimH>> - R3 has indicated they will have a report on the registration, along with a registration form, where to send advance registration, etc. for the SEC comm by Oct 1, 2001.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, ...

DaveG>> 2. - Possible Alternatives - All ...

DaveG>> Ideas?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

DaveG>> (I meant Ideas to anyone)

CharlesL>> After the initial mtg on this subject at Tampa at the PACE session...

CharlesL>> I had proposed an operating committee that works year to year to provide SECon support...

CharlesL>> I floated the original idea on the Conf NG, got one response from Chip on behalf of the '04 committee...

CharlesL>> as they have sufficient base to run regist. as well as other aspects it was unappealling...

CharlesL>> My hope is that we can capture the knowledge and experience base from past (and future) confs to help...

CharlesL>> where sections are volunteer weak (such as Columbia). Otherwise we may have 5-6 sections repeating year to year...

CharlesL>> as hosts which gets away from original hopes for the conf. The challenge is how to recruit and inspire...

CharlesL>> such a group while at the same time not alienating the hosts. Bottom line, SECon is a low-margin event...

CharlesL>> it cannot afford a commercial mgmt company unless it gets a major shot in the arm in funds. This is ...

CharlesL>> dillema as I see it. (sorry for typing delays).

DaveG>> thanks. Othe Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> I think Charles is right. R3 can supply help when and where ...

JimH>> it is needed, but not where it is not...

JimH>> SEC02 and SEC03 will more than likely need the help.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I think that what we need is an action plan...

DickR>> that defines what and who is going to it....

DickR>> I see that we need a standard registration form...

DickR>> and the software to record and etc. the folks that...

DickR>> plan on attending....

DickR>> Jim you said that you were working on the REg Form Right?

JimH>> correct

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Do you have it done?

JimH>> almost ...

JimH>> I am trying to make it generic enough for all future SEC's.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Could someone that what you have and start...

DickR>> planning the requirements for the software?

JimH>> I don't see why not.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> It has been too long for me to develop a program...

CharlesL>> c

DickR>> but I'll bet someone in our group could do it...

DickR>> and even look for some off the shelf stuff that might work.

DaveG>> Thanks. GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> If the "software" (are we talking reg package or web site or what?) includes registration it needs to include credit card handling...

CharlesL>> This needs to be put in place and made consistent as start-up cost is the $$ part of this. This aspect alone...

CharlesL>> is where R3 can do the most good year to year to year. Do we want to throw that together or make an investment in the future?

DaveG>> Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> First, the reg form is in Word and I will send it to this group for ...

JimH>> review by the end of the week (I hope) ...

JimH>> Second, I have a reg software package in Access...

JimH>> that the FWCS has used for it's last 3 conferences ...

JimH>> that I can also forward to you to look at ...

JimH>> it is software that other conferences developed and ...

JimH>> used and seems to work fairly well ...

JimH>> it includes badges, costs, etc.

DaveG>> OK. What other items need to be in action plan besides...

DaveG>> what DickR mentioned?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Did eveyone see the future reg list email I send out?

DickR>> No

DaveG>> I don't think so, when was it sent?

JimH>> Friday I believe.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> It included: Reg form, Reg Program, Reg Support, Reg Confirmation, and On-site Reg ...

JimH>> suggestions. Some required, some optional...

CharlesL>> (was part of 9/12 email to Green, Riddle, and me)

JimH>> BTW - I think I sent it out Sat.

DickR>> c

CharlesL>> 9/12

DaveG>> Agree. GA DickR

DickR>> I have it in front of me now and all I see is a ...

DickR>> set of requirements is that what you mean?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Yes, however these were meant as discussion items for the conf com ...

JimH>> and I suggested that some be required and some be optional ...

JimH>> as a starting point for discussion.

DaveG>> OK, Charles sorta mentioned the $$$ issue associated with the registration process.

DaveG>> I think we could add 'reporting' to the list of activities.

DaveG>> Anything else?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> ga CharlesL

CharlesL>> We really need reps from '02, '03, and '04 to be part of the future discussion on this as they are to be affected...

CharlesL>> What we do has to be applicable to all (can't do this for one year and toss). All must buy in.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I think you should add one more requirement...

DickR>> we must be able to handle credit card information.

DaveG>> OK. Other items?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Jim does the program that FWCS have credit card info as a part of...

DickR>> it?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> We have been accepting credit cards at all the conferences ...

JimH>> but I am not sure what specific info the program collects ...

JimH>> Richard Beatie is the one who handles and uses the program ...

JimH>> for the fwcs, but several other members have worked with and ...

JimH>> on it.

DaveG>> OK. Is Richard available to work on this as a special project?

JimH>> I can ask.

DaveG>> Seems like a good idea to me. Any Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Are any of you ...

JimH>> really good at access?

DaveG>> Silence. I am on Linux these days.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Mark McKeage from the FWCS really know Access, and if Charles, would ...

JimH>> like I could ask him about working with us on it?

DaveG>> OK. ...

DaveG>> It looks like we have several issues: development of plan, staffing, ...

DaveG>> meeting deadlines already agreed to with SEC02, ...

DaveG>> merging this quick action with long range Region actions.

DaveG>> Welcome back.

CharlesL>> (sorry - another Win98 spontaneous combustion reboot)

DaveG>> OK, am I correct... this is a Conference Committee (in R3) activity ...

DaveG>> that perhaps we have not involved in the commitments that have been ...

DaveG>> made but need to get back into our normal (and or new) processes?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Hmmm. Is this something that organizationally needs to be moved into the conference committee or is this an ad hoc committee activity?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> I think the Conf Comm needs to lead this. I am willing to help ...

JimH>> make sure SEC02 gets the Reg part done (we did this to keep ...

JimH>> the whole SEC02 committee from quiting)...

JimH>> but otherwise SEC02 and our future plans needs to be ...

JimH>> handled by the conf comm (at least that is my thoughts).

DaveG>> OK. CharlesL is this in line with your thoughts also?

CharlesL>> Yes...

CharlesL>> I see some action items here...

CharlesL>> JimH to forward strawman reg form...

CharlesL>> JimH to forward Access application...

CharlesL>> JimH to ask FWCS experts for assistance to group...

CharlesL>> CharlesL to gather resources for possible web / mail / onsite reg solutions...

CharlesL>> CharlesL to form review group including reps from next three confs for critique of ideas...

CharlesL>> CL to work with grp to come up with acceptable soln for '02 with basis for future years...

CharlesL>> MEANWHILE, CL to take interim results to MSC at Mexico and ask once and for all why HQ isn't helping with this...

CharlesL>> Also, JH and CL to take soluntion abck to Columbia and talk committee from jumping ship.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> Perhaps Director Riddle and incoming Director Howard can also talk with with MSC.

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> SEC02 is on board and OK, they just would like an update ...

JimH>> on the reg portion R3 is handling...

JimH>> As I see it right now, for SEC02, we have the following ...

JimH>> tasks to handle quickly ...

JimH>> R3 SEC02 Registation Tasks/Volunteers Needed:

JimH>> - Help SEC02 with Registartion form (Jim Howard is working on this now)

JimH>> - Find an R3 volunteer to handle faxed and snail mail registrations and provide the SEC02 committee with updates.

JimH>> - Find an R3 volunteer to handle on-site registation with SEC02 comm. volunteer help.

JimH>> - Find a program to use for SEC02 Registations (and possible all future SEC registrations)

DaveG>> OK. What is minimum needed by Oct 1st?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Reg form, be prepared to handle advance registrations ...

JimH>> and an update report for their committee meeting...

JimH>> And I think it would be good if Charles could make their next ...

JimH>> committee meeting. ....

JimH>> Thanks to Charles Hickman, we have the hardware contest ....

JimH>> rules out and posted and the teams are working on that ...

JimH>> and we have a good communication going with the students.

DaveG>> Hmmm, this is off topic but my guys tell me the ...

DaveG>> Student Contest site seems 'stale' and they are not getting answers to questions.

DaveG>> Back on topic...

DaveG>> When is earliest advance registrations will happen?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> call for papers is already out and I would think that registrations ...

JimH>> will follow shortly, at least for the authors.

DaveG>> Hmmm, usually the incoming papers come back with the registrations for...

DaveG>> authors and this is the leading edge of registration (if memory serves).

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> that is the way I also remember it, so I think they may start ...

JimH>> coming soon.

DaveG>> OK, I think we have listed the items and Charles has laid out a list of items, and ...

DaveG>> JimH has focused attention on those which need attention soonest, ...

DaveG>> are there other items on "Registration" to discuss?

DaveG>> Just found mailing by John Bowles on this subject...

DaveG>> > November 1, 2001 Initial full-length refereed paper due

DaveG>> > December 1, 2001 Initial abstract of unrefereed paper due

DaveG>> > December 1, 2001 Proposals for tutorials and workshops due

DaveG>> > Mid-January, 2002 Authors notified of acceptance/rejection of paper

DaveG>> > February 17, 2002 Camera-ready paper and presentation materials due

DaveG>> I would guess that Feb 17 is due date for paper and preregistration with ...

DaveG>> mid-January being earliest any of them would send $$$ since paper acceptance is not ...

DaveG>> till then. (This may be 'late'.) Q/C?

DaveG>> 3. - Volunteer from Committee for duties - All ...

DaveG>> Charles has agreed to pull this together as Conf. Committee Chair with help from JimH and others...

DaveG>> hopefully including the members JimH mentioned earlier as well. Are there other ...

DaveG>> items under this item?

DaveG>> 4. - Future SEC's Discussion - All ...

DaveG>> I have a couple items here: '03 Hardware Contest, '03 Planning at Jamaica 10/01 ...

DaveG>> what items did you have in mind JimH?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> CharlesL has posted on the NG the items we need to ...

JimH>> look into, and I would suggest we all try to provide him ...

JimH>> some feedback on them and possible set up an econf to discuss...

JimH>> these items for future sec's.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Dave, you, I and Dick had started an email dicussion on SEC03 ...

JimH>> and the possible difficulties ...

JimH>> involved with the items you mentioned. Is is time to expand ...

JimH>> this to a newsgroup and/or econf discussion with the conf ...

JimH>> comm. leading the effort?

DaveG>> Yes, I think so...

DaveG>> the two items I had were:

DaveG>> 1. '03 Hardware Contest -- my colleagues feel that this can't be done ...

DaveG>> and they are already dismissing this as a viable thing for UAB to ...

DaveG>> participate in. Not a big deal whether we participate or not really but ...

DaveG>> it may be indicative of a trend. We may be able to sway them ...

DaveG>> with good plans but this is indicative (to me) of the size of the mountain. ...

DaveG>> 2. '03 Planning at 10/01 Excom meeting...

DaveG>> my 'vision' was to have one of the major foci of the October meeting...

DaveG>> to be working on some of the many issues related to Southeastcon'03 ...

DaveG>> with the Jamaica folks. I wonder 1) if we are going to do this and 2) if we are ...

DaveG>> going to have the meeting at all with the recent issues and possible ...

DaveG>> reactions by members (and their spouses).

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> On the UAB participation, was that based on the travel or ...

JimH>> getting the hardware to and from?

DaveG>> Well we are under proration this year (for 2nd year) which impacts the funds but it is...

DaveG>> that coupled with the thought that we can't get entry there and back ...

DaveG>> with the team that built it. (Both I guess tied together).

DaveG>> Again...

DaveG>> this is preliminary but I am not doing the team course any more due to ...

DaveG>> the large # of folks in my other classes so others are doing it and ...

DaveG>> raising these questions.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> This may be something Rsac needs to survey the other schools ...

JimH>> on before our mtg in Oct (that is if we are still having it ...

JimH>> in Jamaica).

DaveG>> Agree.

DaveG>> DickR -> do you want to talk about 10/01 meeting?

DaveG>> 10/2001

DaveG>> (or another e-conf)?

DickR>> Ok...

DickR>> I have not given much thought to a 10/1 meeting I have 10/15...

DickR>> for our ExCom e-conf....

DickR>> am I worng?

DaveG>> I meant the meeting in 2001 (the 01), that was our face-to-face meeting in Jamaica. I assume there are no real issues associated with having the e-conf. I am speaking about the travel part.

DickR>> OK as far as...

DickR>> I am concerned we still plan on having our meeting...

DickR>> as scheduled...

DickR>> I know that there is some concern by some about...

DickR>> the saftey issue but I have asked MPS to keep me...

DickR>> posted on any warnings concering meeting in Jamaica.

DaveG>> OK.

DaveG>> Is BruceW supposed to be there?

DickR>> Yes he will arrive a day late burt should be there for...

DickR>> the Saturday meeting.

DaveG>> Morning or afternoon?

DickR>> I'll check and get back to you but I think it may be afternoon.

DaveG>> OK, that would mean he could not chair a meeting on the student part Saturday AM...

DaveG>> CharlesL -> I think I heard that you can't make it due to conflicts. Right?

CharlesL>> I can't be there Sunday. Was off checking avail of Sat returns.

DaveG>> 10-4. OK. Looks like idea of focus on '03 may not work.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> we are meeting with the SEC03 host committee on Sat morning, correct?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> We are meeting with whole Excom, I am assuming that this is the SEC03 host committee ...

DaveG>> but DickR may know better -> GA DickR

DickR>> Yes that is the plan is for SEC03 to meet early with the...

DickR>> conf comm and any others.

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I think that some of the small committiees are planing on...

DickR>> meeting from 8-10 Saturday morning and ...

DickR>> we will start the ExCom at 10 until 4 ...

DickR>> we may end the formal meeting at 4 on Saturday because...

DickR>> some may have an early flight back to the US on Sunday.

DaveG>> OK.

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Sounds like I need to look at Plan B. I can fly down Fri and back Sat. There is a 4PM flight back which means I can be there til 2 PM Sat.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Charles be sure and let MPS know that you are...

DickR>> coming and the change in your plans I think they have ...

DickR>> reponded to your cancel room request.

CharlesL>> If I decide to go that route they will be the first to know. Maybe second after family.

DickR>> 10-4

DaveG>> <G>. OK, any other items for tonight?

DaveG>> I assume we are going to move this to ...

DaveG>> the r3conf newsgroup with all working on the action plan posted ...

DaveG>> by CharlesL. Charles will call the next e-conf meeting if needed. Is this OK with you...

DaveG>> CharlesL?

CharlesL>> 10-4

DaveG>> JimH?

DickR>> c

JimH>> I would like to have another mtg next monday 9/24 -9pm to ...

DaveG>> is this ok with you also JimH?

JimH>> discuss sec02 action items - it may be a short mtg, but it ...

JimH>> would help keep us on track.

DaveG>> CharlesL -> OK?

DaveG>> Actually before CharlesL, GA DickR

CharlesL>> I yield to the Dicktater

DickR>> I'll have a chance to check out of flights this week...

DickR>> I'll be in Nashville I hope from 9/21-9/23 wish me luck.

DaveG>> We wish you and the rest of the country such luck.

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I think we can do Monday - let me check calendar (left at work). This is incredibly busy time and don't want to commit then cancel.

DaveG>> OK, let's decide to meet on Monday and let CharlesL and JimH move us if ...

DaveG>> it turns out that time is bad. As info, r3 e-conf meets 9/26 and I have ...

DaveG>> class 9/25, 9/27 at meeting times. OK Charles/Jim?

CharlesL>> OK here. will confirm Monday tomorrow.

DaveG>> Anything else for tonight?

DaveG>> Hearing nothing, thanks everyone for meeting and discussing this...

DaveG>> Have a safe week and good night.

David Green
Last modified: Mon Sep 17 22:19:08 CDT 2001