IEEE 3 Ad Hoc Registration Committee - September 24, 2001

DaveG>> JimH posted the following for our agenda...

DaveG>> 1. Registration form JimH mailed out - Jim

DaveG>> 2. Registration on web, Chip's example - Chip

DaveG>> 3. Registration Contact on Conf Comm - CharlesL

DaveG>> 4. Registation Program JimH mailed out - Jim

DaveG>> 5. Registration Program support - Jim

DaveG>> 6. Other Registration Issues - All

DaveG>> Does anyone have any changes or additions?

DaveG>> Hearing none...

DaveG>> 1. Registration form JimH mailed out - Jim ...

DaveG>> I think everyone received this, DickR's response and Nancy's reponse...

DaveG>> JimH -> do you have any comments to make on this?

JimH>> Yes

DaveG>> Please GA

JimH>> I also received a comment from Steve Carroll the VC for SEC02 ...

JimH>> Who noticed the dates on the form were incorrect ...

JimH>> Also the sec02 committee called tonight to ask if the ...

JimH>> form emailed out was the one we were going to use or were ...

JimH>> we using the one Chip sent out.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> Hi BillR

BillR>> Hi Guys ...can anyone attend?

DaveG>> Sure, welcome.

DaveG>> is URL of agenda.

DaveG>> ChipD: did you send out form or is it the Web Page that you posted about?

ChipD>> It is just a web page

DaveG>> Was your intention to be illustrative or replacing the form?

ChipD>> Illustrative

DaveG>> Thanks. So it sounds like the 'form' we have to discuss is...

DaveG>> the one last modified by Nancy. Q/C?

JimH>> q

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Is this form OK for the conf comm as the generic form ...

JimH>> for all future SEC's?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Are we talking form or pricing?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> form first, pricing 2nd, (pricing came from SEC02 approved bud).

DaveG>> Sounds good...

DaveG>> Q/C on form?

ChipD>> c

DaveG>> GA ChipD

ChipD>> Nancy had some comments on other registration ideas...

ChipD>> On how to handle groups of students etc

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> Generally, student conf folks (often through RSAC) sends out a group...

DaveG>> form. Web signup would be something different.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

CharlesL>> q

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Dave, aren't branch (grp) registrations almost always by check?

DaveG>> Very often.

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Web grp registration may not be worth effort - BUT - having an easily downloadable form (pdf?) would be good for that.

DaveG>> Sounds like a good idea. Who would get that action item?

DaveG>> BruceW & CharlesL?

CharlesL>> sounds right

DaveG>> Could you get with BruceW?

CharlesL>> will do

DaveG>> Thanks....

DaveG>> I had a Q about pricing for students...

DaveG>> it shows $25/$40...

DaveG>> while I favor the $25 (it needs Excom approval I think)...

DaveG>> is $40 too high?

DaveG>> Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> SEC02 comm calculated it will cost them $27 for students ...

JimH>> and they would like the price to be $30/student - advance ...

JimH>> and according to the bylaws this requires director, conf comm chair ...

JimH>> and RSAC approval. So I will be emailing them the request from ...

JimH>> the sec02 committee.

CharlesL>> q

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> was last year $25?

DaveG>> (sorry all for moving us to price)

DaveG>> Q/C?

DickR>> c

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> I would like to know when you Reg as Region 3 Committee what...

DickR>> you get in the way of meal and etc.

DaveG>> I think this question probably could be asked for each...

DaveG>> category...

DaveG>> Let's start with the Reg. Committe. Anyone know?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I don't think menus are set, but...

CharlesL>> what I am asking '02 to do is figure total cost of the meals that each R3 attendee gets...

CharlesL>> total cost to them for each one of us...

CharlesL>> and set the R3 registration for that (breakeven). In the past we have charged...

CharlesL>> less than the real cost but we get people that wouldn't get reimbursed getting "free meals"...

CharlesL>> but in theory should be Fri reception thru awards banquet including breaks.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> Ooops, sorry first JimH then DickR.

JimH>> The $25 was the advance charge for students in 01...

JimH>> according to their web page reg form.

CharlesL>> c (to JimH)

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> sorry, we got off original subect...

CharlesL>> but if we did $25 last year I would support 30 - no more - for '02...

CharlesL>> original $10 fee was set in '75 and inflation for 26 years probably = $30 at least.

DaveG>> OK. GA DickR

DickR>> I would hate to go through what we did with SEC 2001...

DickR>> trying to find out what the R3 part of the meals was...

DickR>> I would think that the reg. fee should cover all expenses...

DickR>> and we should know well in advance what and who should...

DickR>> register as a R3 Comm member.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, it looks like each category needs to have elaborated ...

DaveG>> what comes with the registration...

DaveG>> should this be on the form or referred to web?

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

BillR>> C

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> (i yield to Bill)

DaveG>> GA BillR

BillR>> While the categories are being ...

BillR>> elaborated regarding what is included with the registration...

BillR>> I would suggest particular attention be paid to the "companion" since this is always a confusing point.

DaveG>> OK. GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Excellent point Bill...

CharlesL>> I think there should be a page that explains each category and what (who) gets what, but separate from form...

CharlesL>> if on paper would be flip side, on web could be popup box or another page. But we are not clear in past and should learn from it.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Don't forget Life Members.

CharlesL>> ..and retired and unemployed.

DaveG>> 10-4.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

JimH>> q

DaveG>> Does there need to be some "tentative" statement re...

DaveG>> Tours, Tutorials? GA JimH

JimH>> Was there an action item here, and if so, who has it and ...

JimH>> does it apply to 02 or future sec's?

DaveG>> Action regarding?

JimH>> breakdown of what is included with reg prices, as we were discussing.

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Items I am taking down so far...

CharlesL>> make sure prices cover things like R3 committee meals...

CharlesL>> make sure we are clear what each category (price) includes - meals, procedings, etc...

DaveG>> OK thanks...

CharlesL>> make sure we have all groups covered.

DaveG>> I just looked at IEEE Master Brand standards ...

DaveG>> and it appears IEEE Master Brand should be on the left.

DaveG>> Q/C?

JimH>> q

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> are we suggesting that the R3 comm cost should cover all meals ...

JimH>> breaks, etc. AND if so, won't that put the cost in the ...

JimH>> $100+ range for all meals, etc.?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Not unless food is overboard - maybe 60-75... But R3 pays for it, and they know WHAT they paid for.

DaveG>> Q/C?

ChipD>> c

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA ChipD

ChipD>> if we are looking at 4 meals> Friday nite, saturday lunch and dinner...

ChipD>> sunday lunch you will see costs at $20-25 per meal plus...

ChipD>> 20% service charge and 6 to 7% tax on top of the cost.

DaveG>> OK. GA DickR

DickR>> I had rather have the R3 reg fee cover all meals and etc...

DickR>> and pay for it up front versa being billed for meals and...

DickR>> etc. that were given away to others that are not...

DickR>> members of Region 3 Comm.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

BillR>> Q

DaveG>> How about the "Check" pay to Southeastcon 2002?

DaveG>> GA BillR

BillR>> Are we planning on Vice Chairs attending SoutheastCon 2002 or was that a one shot in 2001?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> JimH -> what are your plans?

JimH>> undecided at this time.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> How about cutoff date of 17 Feb -- is that too early?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> How about hotel info?

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, any other items on this first item -- it seems that we have listed ...

DaveG>> items to be merged into this for another review (perhaps through web/ng?). CharlesL -> how would you like to proceed on this?

CharlesL>> We will compile and post to NG. Will discuss a bit more at item #3.

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Item 2 then...

DaveG>> 2. Registration on web, Chip's example - Chip

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> Ghip -> would you introduce topic?

ChipD>> I was just experimenting with some ideas...

ChipD>> To see what we can get from different commercial services...

ChipD>> the one I have been using is free as part of the MS...

ChipD>> .net roll out. The tools are good but has Dave has pointed...

ChipD>> out is in Beta. There are other services that offer...

ChipD>> database and credit card processing if that is a direction...

ChipD>> we want to explore

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

DaveG>> First Q: do we want to try to do on-line credit card?

DaveG>> Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> I think we should pursue if affordable and secure. Will probably be outside IEEE unless miracle occurs in MX.

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Are we still talking for 02?

DaveG>> Yes.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

CharlesL>> c

DaveG>> GA CharlesL

CharlesL>> Idea is for future, starting with 02. This is strategic, not tactical.

DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?

DaveG>> OK... 3. Registration Contact on Conf Comm - CharlesL

DaveG>> Charles -> would you like to introduce this ...

DaveG>> along with any followup on 2.?

CharlesL>> Sure! I have asked ChipD to work with me to start the formation of the committee to do all this...

CharlesL>> we will be recruiting others to help with on-sites etc and will draw from past as well as all known future SoutheastCons...

CharlesL>> We still need to hammer out the structure and charter, as I proposed to R3Conf NG long ago and Chip commented...

CharlesL>> but we agree on the functional aspects of what need to be done and done for the future, not just '02...

CharlesL>> Now, as to a "contact" - consider that me for now...

CharlesL>> I may not be the address for mailings but we will resolve that quickly.

DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?

JimH>> q

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Charles, All reg will be faxed and or mailed to you for SEC02...

JimH>> and you will provide the sec02 comm with updates as to who ...

JimH>> and how many have registered - correct?

DaveG>> I think he said he would resolve that quickly...

CharlesL>> Yes, we will be providing that service.

DaveG>> (sorry for jumping in)...

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> OK, let's move on...

DaveG>> 4. Registation Program JimH mailed out - Jim

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> JimH -> would you like to comment on this?

JimH>> ok

JimH>> Mark McKeage has agreed to work on the program and ...

JimH>> he has been sent a copy. He is familiar with it, as he ...

JimH>> worked on it for one of the FWCS conferences.

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> By work on the program, do you mean modifications or operate?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> Work on the program, as I envision it, would include ...

JimH>> simple directions on how to use, modify, and update...

JimH>> the program as needed by each SEC.

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> 5. Registration Program support - Jim

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> JimH -- is this another item or have we covered it?

JimH>> I believe it has been covered.

DaveG>> OK...

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> 6. Other Registration Issues - All

DaveG>> ...

DaveG>> Q/C?

JimH>> c

DaveG>> GA JimH

JimH>> SEC 02 committe would like a completed reg form ...

JimH>> in approx. 2 weeks. They are VERY concerned that the ...

JimH>> registration is taking so long to come together and would ...

JimH>> like to get a contractor on their own if we can't come ..

JimH>> thru shortly (and I made it sound nicer than they did).

DaveG>> OK. Q/C?

DaveG>> Other items for tonight?

DaveG>> OK, work on NG with CharlesL communicating with SEC02 -- correct as followup?

CharlesL>> aye

DickR>> c

DaveG>> GA DickR

DickR>> Which NG are we using I have not found any thing...

DickR>> about this subject on any of them wo far.

DaveG>> ieee.r3conf -- right Charles?

CharlesL>> yep.

DaveG>> Other Q/C?

DaveG>> Anything else for tonight?

CharlesL>> (via web

DaveG>> I assume I should post the log at

DaveG>> Q/C?

DaveG>> If there is nothing else for tonight, thanks to everyone for attending and your efforts. Let's help CharlesL, ChipD, and his committee work on this on the NG with prompt feedback.

David Green
Last modified: Mon Sep 24 21:30:25 CDT 2001