DaveG>> JimH posted the following for our agenda...
DaveG>> 1. Registration form JimH mailed out - Jim
DaveG>> 2. Registration on web, Chip's example - Chip
DaveG>> 3. Registration Contact on Conf Comm - CharlesL
DaveG>> 4. Registation Program JimH mailed out - Jim
DaveG>> 5. Registration Program support - Jim
DaveG>> 6. Other Registration Issues - All
DaveG>> Does anyone have any changes or additions?
DaveG>> Hearing none...
DaveG>> 1. Registration form JimH mailed out - Jim ...
DaveG>> I think everyone received this, DickR's response and Nancy's reponse...
DaveG>> JimH -> do you have any comments to make on this?
JimH>> Yes
DaveG>> Please GA
JimH>> I also received a comment from Steve Carroll the VC for SEC02 ...
JimH>> Who noticed the dates on the form were incorrect ...
JimH>> Also the sec02 committee called tonight to ask if the ...
JimH>> form emailed out was the one we were going to use or were ...
JimH>> we using the one Chip sent out.
DaveG>> OK. Q/C?
DaveG>> Hi BillR
BillR>> Hi Guys ...can anyone attend?
DaveG>> Sure, welcome.
DaveG>> https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/adhoc/2001-09-24/main.html is URL of agenda.
DaveG>> ChipD: did you send out form or is it the Web Page that you posted about?
ChipD>> It is just a web page
DaveG>> Was your intention to be illustrative or replacing the form?
ChipD>> Illustrative
DaveG>> Thanks. So it sounds like the 'form' we have to discuss is...
DaveG>> the one last modified by Nancy. Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Is this form OK for the conf comm as the generic form ...
JimH>> for all future SEC's?
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Are we talking form or pricing?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> form first, pricing 2nd, (pricing came from SEC02 approved bud).
DaveG>> Sounds good...
DaveG>> Q/C on form?
ChipD>> c
DaveG>> GA ChipD
ChipD>> Nancy had some comments on other registration ideas...
ChipD>> On how to handle groups of students etc
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> Generally, student conf folks (often through RSAC) sends out a group...
DaveG>> form. Web signup would be something different.
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
CharlesL>> q
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Dave, aren't branch (grp) registrations almost always by check?
DaveG>> Very often.
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Web grp registration may not be worth effort - BUT - having an easily downloadable form (pdf?) would be good for that.
DaveG>> Sounds like a good idea. Who would get that action item?
DaveG>> BruceW & CharlesL?
CharlesL>> sounds right
DaveG>> Could you get with BruceW?
CharlesL>> will do
DaveG>> Thanks....
DaveG>> I had a Q about pricing for students...
DaveG>> it shows $25/$40...
DaveG>> while I favor the $25 (it needs Excom approval I think)...
DaveG>> is $40 too high?
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> SEC02 comm calculated it will cost them $27 for students ...
JimH>> and they would like the price to be $30/student - advance ...
JimH>> and according to the bylaws this requires director, conf comm chair ...
JimH>> and RSAC approval. So I will be emailing them the request from ...
JimH>> the sec02 committee.
CharlesL>> q
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> was last year $25?
DaveG>> (sorry all for moving us to price)
DaveG>> Q/C?
DickR>> c
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> I would like to know when you Reg as Region 3 Committee what...
DickR>> you get in the way of meal and etc.
DaveG>> I think this question probably could be asked for each...
DaveG>> category...
DaveG>> Let's start with the Reg. Committe. Anyone know?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> I don't think menus are set, but...
CharlesL>> what I am asking '02 to do is figure total cost of the meals that each R3 attendee gets...
CharlesL>> total cost to them for each one of us...
CharlesL>> and set the R3 registration for that (breakeven). In the past we have charged...
CharlesL>> less than the real cost but we get people that wouldn't get reimbursed getting "free meals"...
CharlesL>> but in theory should be Fri reception thru awards banquet including breaks.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DickR>> c
DaveG>> Ooops, sorry first JimH then DickR.
JimH>> The $25 was the advance charge for students in 01...
JimH>> according to their web page reg form.
CharlesL>> c (to JimH)
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> sorry, we got off original subect...
CharlesL>> but if we did $25 last year I would support 30 - no more - for '02...
CharlesL>> original $10 fee was set in '75 and inflation for 26 years probably = $30 at least.
DaveG>> OK. GA DickR
DickR>> I would hate to go through what we did with SEC 2001...
DickR>> trying to find out what the R3 part of the meals was...
DickR>> I would think that the reg. fee should cover all expenses...
DickR>> and we should know well in advance what and who should...
DickR>> register as a R3 Comm member.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, it looks like each category needs to have elaborated ...
DaveG>> what comes with the registration...
DaveG>> should this be on the form or referred to web?
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesL>> c
BillR>> C
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> (i yield to Bill)
DaveG>> GA BillR
BillR>> While the categories are being ...
BillR>> elaborated regarding what is included with the registration...
BillR>> I would suggest particular attention be paid to the "companion" since this is always a confusing point.
DaveG>> OK. GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Excellent point Bill...
CharlesL>> I think there should be a page that explains each category and what (who) gets what, but separate from form...
CharlesL>> if on paper would be flip side, on web could be popup box or another page. But we are not clear in past and should learn from it.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Don't forget Life Members.
CharlesL>> ..and retired and unemployed.
DaveG>> 10-4.
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> Does there need to be some "tentative" statement re...
DaveG>> Tours, Tutorials? GA JimH
JimH>> Was there an action item here, and if so, who has it and ...
JimH>> does it apply to 02 or future sec's?
DaveG>> Action regarding?
JimH>> breakdown of what is included with reg prices, as we were discussing.
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Items I am taking down so far...
CharlesL>> make sure prices cover things like R3 committee meals...
CharlesL>> make sure we are clear what each category (price) includes - meals, procedings, etc...
DaveG>> OK thanks...
CharlesL>> make sure we have all groups covered.
DaveG>> I just looked at IEEE Master Brand standards ...
DaveG>> and it appears IEEE Master Brand should be on the left.
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> are we suggesting that the R3 comm cost should cover all meals ...
JimH>> breaks, etc. AND if so, won't that put the cost in the ...
JimH>> $100+ range for all meals, etc.?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Not unless food is overboard - maybe 60-75... But R3 pays for it, and they know WHAT they paid for.
DaveG>> Q/C?
ChipD>> c
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA ChipD
ChipD>> if we are looking at 4 meals> Friday nite, saturday lunch and dinner...
ChipD>> sunday lunch you will see costs at $20-25 per meal plus...
ChipD>> 20% service charge and 6 to 7% tax on top of the cost.
DaveG>> OK. GA DickR
DickR>> I had rather have the R3 reg fee cover all meals and etc...
DickR>> and pay for it up front versa being billed for meals and...
DickR>> etc. that were given away to others that are not...
DickR>> members of Region 3 Comm.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
BillR>> Q
DaveG>> How about the "Check" pay to Southeastcon 2002?
DaveG>> GA BillR
BillR>> Are we planning on Vice Chairs attending SoutheastCon 2002 or was that a one shot in 2001?
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> JimH -> what are your plans?
JimH>> undecided at this time.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> How about cutoff date of 17 Feb -- is that too early?
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> How about hotel info?
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, any other items on this first item -- it seems that we have listed ...
DaveG>> items to be merged into this for another review (perhaps through web/ng?). CharlesL -> how would you like to proceed on this?
CharlesL>> We will compile and post to NG. Will discuss a bit more at item #3.
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> Item 2 then...
DaveG>> 2. Registration on web, Chip's example - Chip
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> Ghip -> would you introduce topic?
ChipD>> I was just experimenting with some ideas...
ChipD>> To see what we can get from different commercial services...
ChipD>> the one I have been using is free as part of the MS...
ChipD>> .net roll out. The tools are good but has Dave has pointed...
ChipD>> out is in Beta. There are other services that offer...
ChipD>> database and credit card processing if that is a direction...
ChipD>> we want to explore
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
DaveG>> First Q: do we want to try to do on-line credit card?
DaveG>> Q/C?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> I think we should pursue if affordable and secure. Will probably be outside IEEE unless miracle occurs in MX.
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Are we still talking for 02?
DaveG>> Yes.
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
CharlesL>> c
DaveG>> GA CharlesL
CharlesL>> Idea is for future, starting with 02. This is strategic, not tactical.
DaveG>> OK. Other Q/C?
DaveG>> OK... 3. Registration Contact on Conf Comm - CharlesL
DaveG>> Charles -> would you like to introduce this ...
DaveG>> along with any followup on 2.?
CharlesL>> Sure! I have asked ChipD to work with me to start the formation of the committee to do all this...
CharlesL>> we will be recruiting others to help with on-sites etc and will draw from past as well as all known future SoutheastCons...
CharlesL>> We still need to hammer out the structure and charter, as I proposed to R3Conf NG long ago and Chip commented...
CharlesL>> but we agree on the functional aspects of what need to be done and done for the future, not just '02...
CharlesL>> Now, as to a "contact" - consider that me for now...
CharlesL>> I may not be the address for mailings but we will resolve that quickly.
DaveG>> Thanks. Q/C?
JimH>> q
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Charles, All reg will be faxed and or mailed to you for SEC02...
JimH>> and you will provide the sec02 comm with updates as to who ...
JimH>> and how many have registered - correct?
DaveG>> I think he said he would resolve that quickly...
CharlesL>> Yes, we will be providing that service.
DaveG>> (sorry for jumping in)...
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> OK, let's move on...
DaveG>> 4. Registation Program JimH mailed out - Jim
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> JimH -> would you like to comment on this?
JimH>> ok
JimH>> Mark McKeage has agreed to work on the program and ...
JimH>> he has been sent a copy. He is familiar with it, as he ...
JimH>> worked on it for one of the FWCS conferences.
DaveG>> OK. Q/C?
DaveG>> By work on the program, do you mean modifications or operate?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> Work on the program, as I envision it, would include ...
JimH>> simple directions on how to use, modify, and update...
JimH>> the program as needed by each SEC.
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> 5. Registration Program support - Jim
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> JimH -- is this another item or have we covered it?
JimH>> I believe it has been covered.
DaveG>> OK...
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> 6. Other Registration Issues - All
DaveG>> ...
DaveG>> Q/C?
JimH>> c
DaveG>> GA JimH
JimH>> SEC 02 committe would like a completed reg form ...
JimH>> in approx. 2 weeks. They are VERY concerned that the ...
JimH>> registration is taking so long to come together and would ...
JimH>> like to get a contractor on their own if we can't come ..
JimH>> thru shortly (and I made it sound nicer than they did).
DaveG>> OK. Q/C?
DaveG>> Other items for tonight?
DaveG>> OK, work on NG with CharlesL communicating with SEC02 -- correct as followup?
CharlesL>> aye
DickR>> c
DaveG>> GA DickR
DickR>> Which NG are we using I have not found any thing...
DickR>> about this subject on any of them wo far.
DaveG>> ieee.r3conf -- right Charles?
CharlesL>> yep.
DaveG>> Other Q/C?
DaveG>> Anything else for tonight?
CharlesL>> (via web https://ecelx00.eng.uab.edu/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?cmd=xover&group=ieee.r3conf)
DaveG>> I assume I should post the log at https://ewh.ieee.org/reg/3/excom/meetings/adhoc/2001-09-24/log.html
DaveG>> Q/C?
DaveG>> If there is nothing else for tonight, thanks to everyone for attending and your efforts. Let's help CharlesL, ChipD, and his committee work on this on the NG with prompt feedback.