Region 3 Volunteer Expense Reimbursement

Region 3 has limited funds available to reimburse travel and other expenses to volunteers in performance of their duties.  Please perform the following steps in order to request reimbursement for official travel or other expenses.

Prior to Incurring Travel or Other Expenses

  1. Read the IEEE Region 3 Travel Policy for Travel Planning and Reimbursement.  Reimbursement will be made according to the policy.  Exceptions to the policy require advance approval by the Region Director (below).
  2. Confirm that funds are budgeted and available or get prior approval from the Region 3 Director (below).

As Soon as Travel is Completed or Other Expenses are incurred

  1. Within 30 days of the completion of the travel or incurring other expenses, complete and submit an expense report using Concur including all required expense attachments.  If the travel is related to PACE, send an email to the Region 3 Professional Activities Chair with the amount requested for reimbursement..
  2. Upon final approval of the Concur expense report, the approved amount will be deposited in the submitter’s bank account via direct deposit.
  3. Travel advances can be accommodated if necessary.  Send your request to the Region 3 Treasurer (below).

Student Travel

Region 3 typically budgets some funds each year to help subsidize student branch travel to SoutheastCon, but the guidelines and requirements are completely different from those for Region 3 Volunteers.  See the Region 3 Student Travel Policy for details.  If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Region Student Activities Chair (below).


John Balsam
Region 3 Treasurer

Jill Gostin
Region 3 Director

Bailey Ulferts
Region 3 Student Activities Chair

Jacquelyn Cunningham
Region 3 Professional Activities Chair


John Balsam

Modified: 14 September 2020