Award and Recognition Presentations
Engineering Institute of Canada Awards Banquet
March 5, 2005, Ottawa, Canada

IEEE Canada members receiving their Fellow certificates from EIC President Maja Vel
Photo Robert Alden, Toronto Photo Sunil Das, Ottawa Photo Charles Despins, Montréal Photo Masoud Farzaneh, Chicoutimi
Photo Keith Hipel, Waterloo Photo John Lodge, Ottawa Photo Hussein Mouftah, Ottawa Photo Dorina Petriu, Ottawa

6 of the IEEE Canada awardees at the 2005 Awards Banquet of the Engineering Institute of Canada
Top: Mr. Masoud Farzaneh, Dr. Keith Hipel, Dr Hussein Mouftah   Bottom: Dr. Sunil Das, Dr. Dorina Petriu, Dr. Robert Alden

All 20 of the awardees at the 2005 Awards Banquet of the Engineering Institute of Canada
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