IEEE Canadian Review On-line
La revue canadienne de l'IEEE
Fall / Automne 2010, No. 64
In English
Vice-President's report
Canadian newslog
Regional Coverage: A View from the West
Xplore: Maximize the Value of your Membership
IEEE Canadian Foundation - Donors 2009
Eng. Management: What's New in the Literature?
Conferences 2011
En français
Rapport du vice-président
Nouvelles canadiennes
Couverture régionale: "A View from the West"
"Xplore: Maximize the Value of your Membership"
Fondation canadienne de l'IEEE - Donateurs 2009
Gestion du génie: "What's New in the Literature?"
Conférences 2011
Feature articles
Articles de fonds
Vehicular Technologies
Technologies véhiculaires
Title/Titre: Performance of DSRC Routing and Security Layers
Author/Auteur: Yasser L. Morgan, University of Regina (Regina, SK)
The growing interest in the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) reflects its lofty potential to resolve much of the vehicular safety issues and to provide low-cost high-bandwidth services for roaming vehicles throughout North America. This article covers the major design approaches in DSRC standards and identifies miscellaneous research topics within the DSRC networking, routing and application layers. It illustrates major short-range vehicular communication hurdles, introduces novel research topics, and contemplates aspirant approaches. The article also directs interested readers to comprehensive references that research related meticulous solutions.
L’intérêt grandissant pour les Communications dédiées à courte portée (CDCP) reflète son potentiel élevé pour résoudre une grande part des problèmes de sécurité et fournir des services à bas coût et haute bande passante pour les véhicules en mouvement en Amérique du Nord. Cet article couvre les principales approches de conception des standards CDCP et identifie divers sujets de recherche dans ses couches réseau, routage et application. Il illustre des obstacles majeurs pour les communications véhiculaires à courte portée, introduit de nouveaux sujets de recherche, et envisage de nouvelles approches candidates. Cet article dirige aussi les lecteurs intéressés vers des références exhaustives pour la recherche de solutions méticuleuse.
Title/Titre: IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives
Xavier Fernando, IEEE TIC-STH 2009 Conference General Chair
Alfredo Herrera, IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee
Kanishka Jayawardene, IEEE Canada Regional Student Representative
For some time now there has been evidence that IEEE members have embraced the organization's core value "to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity". The Toronto section lead the way last year by organizing the In-ternational Conference on Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH 2009) at Ryerson University in Toronto [1]. As preparations were taking place, another group was participating in the Humanitarian Technology Challenge [2]; their work has evolved into what now is the IEEE Canada Humanitarian Initiatives Committee [3]. More recently, the University of Calgary held the Innovation for Humanity design competition and attracted individuals of different departments, skills, and perspectives; everyone participated wholeheartedly and enthusiastically [4]. These three initiatives are not the only ones; each year, many IEEE volunteers donate money and time to charities, volunteer in hu-manitarian projects, or organize events to benefit humanity. Lets take a closer look at three of them.
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