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"Microelectronics technology"
Dr. Anthony Marsh
Canadian Microelectronics Corporation
Keynote Speech at the IMTC'97 Conference May 19, 1997 in Ottawa
Over the past 50 years microelectronics technology has become the
foundation for radically new products, services and companies. Personal
computing and personal communications are integral part of life today.
The softwaer industry, e-mail and the Wrld Wide Web would not exsit
without the microchip.
The past few years have brought us the rapid development of
microelectro-mechanical (MEMS) and microelectro-optical (MEOPS) systems.
These microsystems technologies allow sensors and actuators to be
combined with electrical devices in tiny packages that consume small
ammounts of power. At the same time, display perfomance is steadily
improving. Satellite and wireless systems allow precise locattion for
individual communication. Encryption technology secures infromation that
can be networked globally. Clearly, there is a host of new applications
waiting to be exploited, particularly in the fields of
telecommunications, transportation, health care, manufacturing, natural
resources and the environment. These will present rich research
challenges and bussiness opportunities for the instrumentation and
measurement community.
Is there also the opportunity to bring a wide range of instrumentation
and measurement products into the lives of everyday people? Could there
be a promising future for "personal instrumentation"? Imagine the
potential in health care alone!
Growth in microtechnology is driven by affordable, highly integrated,
networkable, high-volume products, upgraded to meet rising demand in a
very competitive market place. "Systems-on-a-chip" are created by
reusing components of previous designs, and software is used to make
rapid changes in the functionality of hardware platforms. Translate this
trend to the instrumentation and measurement field, and there could be a
booming market foe new integrated, intelligent measurement products.
Expoiting these opportunities successfully will require:
- aggressively integrating MEMS, MEOPS and microelectronics components to increase performance while driving down costs;
- taking a "system" approach to equipment design, which recongnizes the importance of high functionality and flexibility;
- attracting skilled, innovative people, including those with experience in the comsumer marketplace, to the instrumentation and measurement field.
Speaker's Biography:
Dr. Tony Marsh was educated in the United Kingdom and received his
Bachelor of science degree in Physics and Ph.D. in telecommunications
from Imperial College, London University. After five years spent
teaching electrical engineering in the U.K. and in the USA, he joined a
research team investigating video telephony at Bell Telephone
Laboratories in Holmdel, NJ. In 1975 Dr. Marsh moved to Canada to work
at Bell-Northern Research Ltd (BNR), now Nortel Technologies. His
various responsiblities have included the design of advanced telephone
equipment and fiber optic transmission systems, and managing the global
computing and communication systems for the BNR organization. Since
early 1993 Dr. Marsh has been President of Canadian Microelectronics
Corporation, dedicated to building research capability expertise in
microelectronics in Canadian Universities. He is also particularly
interested in the challenge of improving science education in Canada at
all levels, and is an active member of the Conference Board of Canada's
Corporate Council on Education and the Business-Education Forum on
Science, Technology and Mathematics.
Canadian Microelectronics Corporation
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