London - One of 20 Canadian Sections. Click to enlarge
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IEEE Canada
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The IEEE Canadian Review
a brief history and its
editors by year of tenure

The IEEE Canadian Review was conceived by Bob Alden (1988-89 IEEE Region 7 director) to correct an image problem by introducing a high visibility, uniquely Canadian IEEE member benefit. At that time, IEEE activities in Canada were viewed as being dominated by the IEEE headquarters in New York City. This in spite of the fact that our 20 sections with about 15 thousand members operated a highly regarded program of local and national events - including the long running regional conferences that alternated between Toronto and Montreal, all planned and operated by Canadians.

There was also the challenge being mounted by the EIC with its fledgling Canadian Society of Electrical Engineering, its brand new conference (CCECE) and journal (CJECE).

The only obvious Canada wide IEEE "publication" was a small printed newsletter mailed to all members - called IEEE Region 7 News. This was about to change. At the time, IEEE allowed IEEE societies to have magazines but other IEEE entities - such as regions - were not permitted to do so. The IEEE Canadian Review was the very first magazine produced as a region product, to be followed several years later by USA Today produced by IEEE USA regions 1 through 6.

To create a quality printed product, Bob enlisted the creative talent and enthusiasm of Richard Marceau who had developed considerable experience in producing proceedings for conferences organized by Montreal Conferences Inc. Richard was to be the founding editor and worked closely with the printing company to produce the initial issues. The format of the magazine was planned during late night meetings between Richard and Bob in Montreal after other "IEEE volunteer events" had ended.

The founders of the magazine had a clear objective - to project an image of the Canadian electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering professions and their associated academic and business communities to: Canadian members of IEEE; Canadian members of the profession and community who are non-members of IEEE; and the associated Canadian academic (i.e. universities, colleges, secondary schools), government and business communities. This objective has remained unchanged to this day.

The following is a list of those appointed to serve as Managing Editor

  • 2005 - present (issues 51 - ) Eric Holdrinet
  • 1996 - 2004 (Issues 24 - 50) Vijay K. Sood
  • 1993 - 1996 (issues 17 - 23) Paul Freedman
  • 1992 - 1993 (issues 12 - 16) Théodore Wildi
  • 1990 - 1991 (issues 9 - 11) Anthony R. Eastham
  • 1988 - 1990 (issues 1 - 8) Richard J. Marceau
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