Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fayçal Saffih



Fayçal Saffih

Area of Expertise
Electronic Circuits, Energy Systems

  • Smart Nano-photonic Devices
  • Smart CMOS Imaging
  • Solar Energy Harvesting
  • Reconfigurable Embedded Vision

Fayçal Saffih ( M’2000) received his B.Sc. (best honors) degree in Physics from the University of Sétif, Sétif, Algeria, in 1996, his M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1998, and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, in 2005.

In 2006, he joined the Communication Research Laboratory, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, where he developed a versatile FPGA-based prototype for Biomedical Smart Imaging application known as the Wireless Endoscopic Capsule. Dr. Saffih joined Voxtel Inc., Oregon, as Senior Analog Active Pixel Sensor Engineer, designing imagers based on silicon-on-insulator complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (SOI-CMOS) technology for the next generation of CMOS imagers. His work has extensive aplications for RAD-HARD, High-Energy Physics Detection, and Electronic Microscopy Imaging. From 2009 until 2012, he was at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia) as Research Fellow where he incepted his invention on Smart Nano-photonic devices dedicated to imaging and solar energy harvesting.

Fayçal Saffih is currently a Graduate Faculty at the University of Guelph, Ontario and a Visiting Scholar at the University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada. His research is on smart CMOS Imaging, Reconfigurable Embedded Vision and Solar Energy Harvesting