George Armitage Outstanding Student Branch Award
Nomination Deadline: May 15
Nomination Form
This award, supported by IEEE Canada, is given to recognize
extraordinary Student Branch achievements by Student members engaged in
activities conforming to IEEE objectives and purposes. These would
include, for example:
- significantly improving the vitality of the Branch with regard to
activities, mem-bership, or finances;
- effective interaction of the Branch with the local Section or
Region, or IEEE technical societies, e.g., seminars, conferences,
S-PACs, S-PAVes;
- community involvement that benefits the school and/or the
community, the image of the IEEE, and the image of engineering in
While the Branch Counselor may have participated in these activities,
the major initiative and effort must have come from the students. Even
if a single achievement is deemed sufficient to justify the ward, there
will normally be a number of events over a period of time. All IEEE
Student Branches in Canada are eligible for consideration.
The rules governing this award are:
- All nominations for this award shall be submitted by the Counselors
of IEEE Student Branches in Canada.
- The nominations shall be made on the prescribed form (see link at
top of page for PDF file) entitled "Nomination Form for the George
Armitage Outstanding Student Branch Award".
- Nominations must be received by the Regional SAC Chair before May
15, for consideration in the current year.
- The selection of the award recipient (if any) shall be made by the
Regional SAC Operating Committee.
- Except in the event of a tie, the SAC Operating Committee Chair
shall not vote.
- The name of the Student Branch recom-mended by the SAC Operating
Commit-tee as the award recipient shall be forwarded to the Regional
Director by July 15. The final decision is to be made not later than
August 15.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Regional SAC Chair to advise
the Student Branch of their award.
- The presentation of the award will normally be made at one of the
Fall Training Workshops, or at an IEEE Conference within the Region.
- The award will consist of a plaque and a cash prize of two hundred
dollars ($200)
- The SAC Operating Committee may recommend that the name of an
unsuccessful Student Branch candidature be considered without
re-nomination for the Award in the following year.
About George Armitage
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