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IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Research Grant

The Vehicular Technologies Conference ’98 generated a surplus. A part of the surplus was presented to the IEEE Canada Board of Directors with the stipulation that the funds be administered for the benefit of students. IEEE Canada will distribute a part of the interest of this surplus as the “IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Research Grant”.

To sponsor research projects related to Vehicular Technologies in an institution (University or College) based in Canada.

Application deadline: November 1st
Selection of recipient(s): November
Region ExCom approval: December
Recipient notified: December

Candidates for this grant shall be IEEE Student Members in good standing in a Canadian University or College, independent of the level of study (college, undergraduate or graduate).

One grant of $1500 will be made to an official research group related to an institution (University or College) based in Canada, per calendar year.

Application Package
The application will contain at a minimum the following:
1. Name of the research group and the name of its related institution(s)
2. A description of the research groups aims with regards to ongoing and past research
3. A description of the current research projects undertaken by the group
4. A detailed description of the proposed research and why funding is required
5. An approval of the application by the research group supervisor

Basis of Selection
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
1. Relevancy of the proposed research project with Vehicular Technologies technical field(s)
2. An evaluation of the groups research past and present, with regards to IEEE goals
3. Practical applications of the groups ongoing research projects
4. Percentage of the research group that are IEEE members

Submit Applications
Applications will be directed to the IEEE Canada Administrative Assistant at the following address:
Cathie Lowell
18 Robinhood Drive,
Dundas, Ontario
L9H 4G1

A cheque covering the amount of the grant will be issued to the recipient research group (or to its related institution), no cheque will be issued directly to an individual. In supplement, a letter of congratulation by IEEE Canada will be sent to the recipient research group.

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