IEEE Canada Student Activities
Winners of the IEEE Canada Student Branch Web Site Contest
The IEEE Canada Student Activities Committee is very pleased to announce the
winners of the 2004 IEEE Canada (Region 7) Student Branch Web Site Contest:
The first place winner in Canada (Region 7) is also ranked in the IEEE worldwide contest *
- First place: Algonquin College IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: algonquin.ieee.ca
* 3rd place worldwide
- Second place: Red River College IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: ieee.rrc.tyr.ca/
- Third place: University of British Columbia IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: www.ece.ubc.ca/~ieee
The first place web site has been entered into the international
competition. It may receive a cash prize of $1,000, $750, $500 or $250,
depending of the ranking obtained at the international competition, and
the amounts are in US dollars! You can find more details on this contest
at this
The winners of the Region 7 Student Branch Web Site Contest will receive
a letter of congratulations and a certificate from IEEE Canada.
Winners of the 2003 Web Site Contest
- First place: Carleton University IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: www.ieee.engsoc.org
* 3 rd
- Second place: University of Calgary IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: ieee.enel.ucalgary.ca
- Third place: University of Saskatchewan IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: eee.usask.ca
- Honourable mention: University of British Columbia IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch web site: www.ece.ubc.ca/~ieee
Winners of the 1999 IEEE Canadian Foundation Web Site Contest for IEEE Student Branches
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