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Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt

In effort to activate our Student Branch at the AAST and maximize the students' membership benefits, a number of activities have been carried out since the beginning of 2006 and many more are to follow, God willing! Here are some of our updates that we'd like to share with the rest of the R8 Student Branches

Field Trip

On 14 February 2006 The Student Branch Technical Committee organized a trip to Bahgat Group Factories which was a great chance for students to see how TVs get constructed, how Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) are mass produced, how speakers are made, and other technological updates. This trip also provided tips for students working on their graduation projects on how to implement their electronic circuits professionally on PCBs. Additionally; it was an opportunity to bridge the gap between theoretical science and its actual practical applications, thus, achieving a strong science-industry linkage.

BioVisionAlexandria 2006 (26 – 29 April)

The IEEE AAST SB partnered with The Library of Alexandria "Bibliotheca Alexandrina" in the organizing of an international yearly conference, BioVision. This conference basically focuses on how to use interdisciplinary science (technology + information + biology) for the development of societies. The expected speakers in this conference include 7 International Nobel Laureates and more than 50 distinguished international speakers, and therefore our SB aimed at facilitating the attendance of a large number of students to foster the sharing of information between developed and developing nations including knowledge management and technology transfer. For more information about this conference please visit us at www.ieee-aast.org/biovision

WIE Upcoming Activities

Our WIE Affinity Group is working on a two-day workshop that discusses various techniques used to accelerate the learning process, an approach to make education an easier and more loved procedure done by students, and to help students enrich their minds with diverse knowledge.

Other Activities

After our last term finals, The Graphics Committee seized the opportunity of running a Photoshop course that provided a detailed explanation of how to use Photoshop for absolute beginners. Other courses are being prepared by our Technical Committee such as Microcontroller and MATLAB courses.

Sara El Kady and Ahmed Rabie
sara.elkady@ieee.org rabie@ieee.org
AAST IEEE Student Branch
Alexandria, Egypt

Region 8 News : June 2006