IEEE-KNUST as part of plans to boost membership and expose students to an in-depth analysis of the technologies that have brought significant changes in our lives, organized a lecture on the topic, "The Evolving Mobile Phone Technology". We were privileged to have had Mobitel GH ltd (TIGO) a pioneer in the Mobile phone industry in the country, to give the lecture on 25 of February 2005.
The lecture sought to expatiate on Cellular phone concepts, the various standards in the mobile phone industry, the various mobile phone applications such as SMS, MMS, GPRS and more. Also, other advancements in the mobile phone industry were shared.
There were a large number of students at the lecture, including a distinguished lecturer in Communication systems, who were all presented with SIM cards by the invited company. There were also IEEE journals for all to read to expose others to some membership benefits.
IEEE-KNUST has further plans to organize such events and field trips to enable students appreciate the relevance of what they learn at lectures. By including such programmes in our plans, we know that membership will increase and members will do their best to promote growth.
Nanevie Fred