Report of
One Day Workshop on
on 13th Aug 2016
Organized by
FORCE - School of ECE and IEEE Student Branch REVA University
Main Coordinators:
1. Dr. Venkata Siva Reddy, Professor, School of ECE, REVA University
2. Prof. Shrikant Tangade, Asst. Prof. School of ECE & IEEE Student Branch Counselor
Correspondence Coordinators:
1. Prof. Nirmala L.
3. Prof. Bharath H.P.
B. IEEE Student Branch
1. Miss. Sharada (IEEE Chair)
2. Miss. Yamini (IEEE VC)
3. Mr. Syed (IEEE V. Secretery)
4. Mr. Shriyanshu (IEEE Treasurer)
C. Skill Development
1. Prof. Manjula R.B.
2. Prof. Ravi Shankar D.
Total Number of Participants: 44 (Students-35 and Faculty-9)
Targeted Audience: UG Students of all streams and Faculty
Resource Person:
Mr. S. Sathyapal is a Director of Indian Institute of HAMs, Karnataka Chapter. He is also a President of Rajiv Gandhi Radio Repeater Foundation of India and Governing Council Member of National Institute of Amateur Radio, Hyderabad (Apex body for HAM Institutes in India). His Institute provides Ham Communication for many National Championship Car Rallies in India as Communication Chief.
Mr. Sathyapal has rendered voluntary service by providing Ham Communication during Orissa Super Cyclone, Gujarat Earthquake, Tsunami. Got more than 3000 licenses Ham licenses to the Bangalore City - "Bangalore is the Ham Capital of India". He attended many National and International Ham Conventions. Recently, attended world biggest Ham Convention "DAYTON HAMVENTION" at Dayton, USA. He got the Ham license in the year 1990 with the callsign: VU2FI.
He awarded with Rajiv Gandhi National Award winner in the year 1995 and 1996 (Two consecutive years) for the best promotion of Ham Radio activities in India. Award was given away by Smt. Sonia Gandhi who is also a HAM. Also awarded with Dera Gold Medal for Meritorious Achievement and Service by DISASTER PREPAREDNESS & EMERGENCY RESPONSE ASSOCIATION, U.S.A.
About The Workshop:
This workshop on "HAM Amateur Radio" was an exhaustive held for students and faculty of all schools of REVA University. Ham (Amateur) Radio is a scientific hobby, adventurous sport & second line of Communication when all other means of communication fails. HAM has become a unique tool in promoting global friendship. It is a pioneering effort conceived by creative minds. It is a laudable endeavour to bring YOUTH to involve in this Mode of Communication with most fascination. Today there are thousands of hams who are enthusiastic about Ham Radio and use various methods to communicate with their counterparts around the world. Groups, individuals and educational institutions are all striving to acquire radio technology, as they are eager to improve their skill over a wide spectrum of fields. Hams are from different walks of life. Ham family consists of students, educationists, scientists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, technicians, retired persons from various fields, house-wives, Film stars, Top-officials, Ministers, Mps and so on.
Highlights of The Workshop:
- Exposure to HAM Radio clubs in India and throughout world.
- Discussed importance and applications of HAM Radio club member
- Design of Transmitter and Receiver antina
- Explored different modulation techniques
- Discussed different modes of communication with respect to HAM Radio
- Explored about conducting scientific experiments in radio techniques - propagation studies
- Discussed details about HAM Licence exam
- Provided study materials of exam and participation certificate
Plan of Future HAM Radio Events:
1) Field hands on experimets/demonstrations (within one month)
2) Technical talk on "Satellite Communications" by ISRO resource person
3) Technical talk on "Digital Communications" by IIH resource person