IEEE Student Branch REVA University
"Humanitarian Program-Tree Planting"
Date: 2nd Oct 2016
Faculty Coordinators:
1. Dr. R.V. Siva Reddy, Professor, School of ECE & Secretary, IEEE Bangalore Section
2. Prof. Shrikant S. Tangade, Asst.Prof.( ECE), & Branch Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch REVA University
Student Coordinators & Volunteers: IEEE Students
Total Number of Participants: 60 Students
About The Program:
The IEEE student branch celebrated IEEE Day 2016 by organizing Humanitarian program-planting saplings of a Silver Tree. This is done to create awareness about the environment; we had amazing response for this event and learned beautiful lesson about the process of planting and maintaining them during this event. We are also formed Tree nursery and maintenance team to take care every day.