On 4th Oct 2016
Organized by
IEEE Student Branch REVA University
Main Coordinators:
1. Miss Sharada N.S, Chair, IEEE Student Branch
2. Miss Yamini K, Vice-Chair, IEEE Student Branch
3. Mr.Syed H., V, Secretary, IEEE Student Branch
IEEE Student Branch REVA University Voluntees:
1. Mr.Prem Kumar, IEEE Student Member
2. Mr.Mohsin, IEEE Student Member
3. Miss Rachana R, IEEE Student Member
4. Miss Kavya M, IEEE Student Member
5. Mr.Satish Kumar, IEEE Student Member
6. Mr.Sushruth B, IEEE Student Member
7. Miss FareenSabha, IEEE Student Member
8. Mr.Chetan, IEEE Student Member
9. Mr.Surya Virat, IEEE Student Member
10 Mr.Adarsh M, IEEE Student Member
11. Miss. Vinupriya, IEEE Student Member
13. Miss. Vidya D, IEEE Student Member
14. Miss .Aishwarya K.S, IEEE Student Member
Total no of participants for JAM : 25
Targeted audience: UG students
The object of the JAM EVENT is for panellists to talk for sixty seconds on a given subject, "without hesitation, repetition or deviation". The comedy comes from attempts to keep within these rules and the banter among the participants.
The judges for the event were
1.Siddharth - student RITM Final year
2.Ragvendra Sir - Assistant prof of legal studies at Reva University
The three basic rules applied
- "Hesitation" is watched very strictly: a momentary pause in speaking can give rise to a successful challenge, as can tripping over one's words. Even pausing during audience laughter or applause (known as "riding a laugh") can be challenged.
- "Repetition" means the repetition of any word or phrase, although challenges based upon very common words such as "and" are generally rejected except in extreme cases. Words contained in the given subject are now exempt unless repeated many times in quick succession, although this was a later addition to the rules. Skilful players use synonyms to avoid repeating themselves. Even letters may not be repeated.
- "Deviation" originally meant deviating from the given subject, but gradually evolved to also include "deviating from the English language as we know it", "deviation from grammar as we understand it", deviating from the truth, and deviating from logic. Nevertheless, leaps into the surreal are usually allowed.
Round 1:
Each individual was given a topic and had to speek for 60 seconds.Out of 25 participants 10 of them were selected to the round 2 . The selection was based on the above mentioned parameters
Round 2:
This round each had to pick a issue and talk. But in this round there was back firing of the judges also.