IEEE REVA University Student Branch
Date: 27th April 2016
1.Dr. Venkata Siva Reddy 2. Prof. Shrikant S. Tangade,
Professor's, School of E&C Engineering, IEEE Student Branch Counselor,
REVA University, Bengaluru Asst. Prof., School of E&C Engineering,
REVA University, Bengaluru.
Prof. Gopal Krishna Shyam (Schoo of Computing and IT)
Prof. Nirmalkumar S. Benni (School of ECE)
Prof. MaheshG.S. (School of EEE)
About The Industrial Visit:
The journey commenced at 8.30 am from REVA University Campus, Bengaluru. There was one bus and the total 58 students from different schools (ECE, C & IT and EEE) are participated. The bus reached ISRO centre at Dhamlur, Bengaluru at around 9:30 AM and after several security checks and administrative formalities, we were taken to a central building. In this place, we were shown a different ISRO projects and its history, and the current facilities available. After that questions were fielded to the official, and they were answered with ease. We reached our REVA University campus at around 1:30 PM. All students enjoyed the visit and still more students were interested, because of security reason they allowed only 58. We have planned ISRO-2 Industrial visit in next semester for remaining students.
Total Students Participated: 58
Targeted Audience: II and IV Sem ECE, C&IT and EEE UG Students