Report of
The Event
on 18th Aug 2016
Organized by
IEEE Student Branch REVA University
Main Coordinators: IEEE Student Branch Executive Committee Members
1. Prof. Shrikant S. Tangade, Counsellor, IEEE Student Branch & Asst.Prof.,School of ECE,REVA University
2. Miss Sharada N.S., Chair, IEEE Student Branch
3. Miss Yamini K., Vice-Chair, IEEE Student Branch
4. Mr. Sandeep K.R, Secretary, IEEE Student Branch
5. Mr. Shriyanshu D,Treasurer, IEEE Student Branch
6. Mr. Syed H., V. Secretary, IEEE Student Branch
Volunteers of IEEE Student Branch REVA University:
1. Mr. Rohan Vijay, Chair, IEEE CS SB Chapter
2. Miss Sanjana S, V.Chair, IEEE CS SB Chapter
3. Mr. Praharsh, Secretary, IEEE CS SB Chapter
4. Mr. Satyam L, J.Secretary,IEEE CS SB Chapter
5. Miss Shubham K, Treasurer, IEEE CS SB Chapter
6. Mr. Hari Om, J.Treasurer, IEEE CS SB Chapter
7. Mr. Prem Kumar, IEEE Student Member
8. Mr. Mohsin, IEEE Student Member
9. Miss Rachana R, IEEE Student Member
10. Miss Kavya M, IEEE Student Member
11. Mr. Satish Kumar, IEEE Student Member
12. Mr. Sushruth B, IEEE Student Member
13. Miss Fareen Sabha, IEEE Student Member
14. Mr. Chetan, IEEE Student Member
15. Mr. Surya Virat, IEEE Student Member
16. Mr. Adarsh M, IEEE Student Member
17. Miss. Vinupriya, IEEE Student Member
18. Miss Sakshi Suman, IEEE Student Member
19. Miss. Vidya D, IEEE Student Member
20. Miss Aishwarya K.S, IEEE Student Member
Total Number of Participants: 650+ Students
Targeted Audience: UG Students of REVA University and REVA ITM
About The Event "Virtual Placements":
The event "Virtual Placements" was conducted after Inaugural Function of "IEEE Student Branch REVA University" and "IEEE Computer Society Student Branch Chapter". This event was organized and managed by ExeCom members and volunteers of IEEE Student Branch.
It was a mock placement session and it is to be noted that, there were 650+ students did spot registrations prior to event. The program was conducted in three rounds, similar to actual placements and gave an insight for students of REVA University and REVA ITM about the actual placement procedure. The first round was an aptitude round, where students were given a time of 30 minutes to answer 20 questions, out of which 70 members were selected for the group discussion round. And finally 7 members were selected for the final round - "The HR round". These first and second rounds were judged by ExeCom members of IEEE Student Branch. For the final HR round, the IEEE Student Branch invited Prof. Mohammed Riyaz Ahmed, Asst., Prof., School of ECE as judge. Three prizes were given based on students' performances. We Thank Prof. Riyaz Ahmed Sir for accepting our invitation and addressing students about importance of placements and how they can prepare for it.
There was a very good review among students for the conduction of this event. Hoping to see many such events from the students of IEEE Student Branch REVA University.
Highlights of The Event "Virtual Placements":
- There were Total 650+ students did spot registrations prior to event.
- The event was conducted in three rounds:
1) Round-1: An Aptitude Round: Participated 650 Students and shortlisted 70 Students
2) Round-2: The Group Discussion Round: Participated 70 Students and shortlisted 7 Students
3) Round-3: The HR Round: Participated 7 Students and selected 3 Student as final winners
- 1st Place: Miss Gunjan, 5th Sem-School of C&IT, REVA University. Prize: Rs. 1,500/-
- 2nd Place: Miss Sharanya, 7th Sem-EEE Dept., REVA ITM. Prize: Rs. 1,000/-
- 3rd Place: Mr. Aniketh, 5th Sem-CSE Dept., REVA ITM. Prize: Rs. 500/-
- A very good review among students for the conduction of this event
Learnt from This Event:
- By looking at Total 650+ spot registration, we came to know that all students are really serious about their placements
- This Event is organized by Students only, its means, students know what kind of questions may appear during placement drive and how to prepare for these. Hence, we preparing Provisional Proposal of forming a new "Students Virtual Placements Cell-SVPC (Lead Inspire Innovate Impact) " for REVA University Students.
- As IEEE Student Branch is managed by Students, this "Students Virtual Placements Cell-SVPC" also managed by Students only for the welfare of REVA University Students. In other words, "The Students Virtual Placements Cell-SVPC of the Students, by the Students, for the Students" (These lines inspired by the great president of United States Abraham Lincoln).
- We submit the Provisional Proposal of forming SVPC on 5th September 2016.