RADIANCE ’11, the flagship event of IEEE, Student Branch, Nirma University, was organised on 21st and 22nd of January, 2011. Under RADIANCE ’11 various competitions, like Paper Presentation (in two categories CE/IT/MCA and EC/EE/IC), Coding Treasure Hunt, Sci-Fi Story Writing, Electronic Junk Box and Techno Quiz were organised. Workshops on ASP.NET and ARDUINO were also conducted. More than 180 students participated in RADIANCE ’11.
Paper Presentation competition was conducted with great zeal and enthusiasm in Radiance
2011. This was an institute level paper presentation competition organized for students of
Institute of Technology, Nirma University. In total there were twenty papers selected
from various branches of the institute out of which ten were categorized under
EC/IC/EE category and remaining under CE/IT category.
The judges felicitated the winners and participants and gave useful tips on “How to Present
Effective Technical Paper” by discussing pros and cons of each and every paper.
The 3D exhibition a two day event was conducted for the lovers of art and photography.
The photographs displayed were taken by the participants of the 3D photography workshop
held as a part of Technodyssey ‘10. 160 entries were taken of which 36 were shortlisted
and displayed.
The exhibition was visited by more than 700 students and faculties. The prizes were
announced based on the voting of IEEE members and faculty members. The exhibition
ended with an overwhelming response and a lot of appreciation from everyone.
The name JUNKBOX was derived from the word JUNK which means a group of useless things. In this competition, participants were given a JUNK of electronic components and a PROBLEM STATEMENT. They were needed to develop a circuit that gives the solution to their problem statement. This event was introduced 1st time in Nirma University. In all around 16 teams had taken part in the competition. Each team consisted of two participants. Prof. Sandip Mehta of Instrumentation and Control Department was the Judge for this event.
SCI FI, a science fiction writing competition was conducted for the first time under the banner of IEEE Radiance ’11. The competition, although non technical, served as a platform for the students to put their expressions of creativity and fantasies on paper. The participants were offered ample time from the day of registration to the day of event to submit their stories. The total number of participants who registered was 18. Prof. Namrata Bajaj, Mathematics and Humanities Department were invited to judge the stories. The stories were judged on the basis of their originality, creativity & innovation, language, vocabulary and appeal through message on a scale of ten.
This competition was purely conducted for the lovers and masters of coding and programming. It was Treasure Hunt in Coding. The participants had to explore their quest to crack the codes and hunt the programs with their coding skills. There were total of 75 participants in this successful event. Elimination round was of 30 minutes and paper contained 30 questions. From the elimination round, we selected total of 20 participants. In Finals we randomly clubbed them into a group of 2 and thus made up the teams. In final round participants had to pass through 3 levels each containing 3 programs to code and without completing one level, the coders cannot move to the next level. The time limit was 2 hrs.
It was a Quiz Contest among the students of all technical disciplines. The Technical Knowledge of all Electronic and Software Products was tested among the participants. All Questions were based on the current Technologies used in the Electronics and Software. Students from all branches participated in the competition. There were 5 teams (with 2 persons per team) in the main event. Teams were decided by an elimination round which was conducted prior to the main event.
The Web Designing on ASP workshop started on 21st January, 2011 at 9:30 am. It was
conducted by Mr. Rahul Shah, CEO of Shah Net Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Around 45
participants took part in the workshop. The workshop was divided into two sessions. The
first session discussed the introduction to object oriented design, what happens when a
page request is made, basics of client-server computing and what is .NET framework and
why we need it.
The second session of the workshop started where the students explored
various features of the form. The faculty explained various properties of every element of
the form with exemplary coding. The students enjoyed making their own forms with ease
of drag and drop feature instead of coding it in hardcore HTML. The workshop ended with
feedback from students and a short speech by Mr. Ashish Trivedi, Vice-Chairperson of IEEE
Student Branch, Institute Of Technology, Nirma University and presenting memento to Mr.
Rahul Shah for conducting the workshop.
The workshop on ‘INTERACTIVE PROGRAMMING AND CREATIVE CODING’ under the title ‘ARDUINO’, was conducted by Prof. Hardik Pandya who is a co-founder of PearlLabs (a research and project based organization) and Prof. Hardik Dabhi whose one of publication is selected for the publication in IEEE on ‘implementation of cost effective IR based touch screen’. It was a two day workshop held on 21st and 22nd of January. Prof. Hardik Pandya taught the participants about programming of ARDUINO UNO Controllers using ARDUINO Software. Participants were given the whole ‘ARDUINO UNO’ controller kit. He also demonstrated projects on ‘Line Follower Robot’ and ‘Bike Security System’ using ARDUINO Controllers.
Seminar on ‘Building Blocks of CAT’
IEEE Student Bhapter, Nirma University organized a seminar on acquainting the students of
2nd and 4th semesters with the basic outline of the highly competitive test, CAT, the
entrance test for majority of the business schools in India. The seminar was conducted on
April 11, 2011 from 4 pm to 6 pm. About 60 students of first and second year attended the
Mr. Jagdeep Vaishnav, (CAT activist) was the orator for the day.Apart from his
multitudinous achievements in various fields, Mr. Vaishnav has also been a columnist for the
Education Times, a weekly newsletter by The Times Of India, writing the greatly acclaimed
column called CATALYSIS which includes mind-boggling questions for any layman. These
questions have helped many to prepare for the highly anticipated CAT.
The seminar was highly stimulating and was met with a great response from the audience
Paper Tech
A two day lecture series under the name of papertech was organized by IEEE Student Branch,
Institute Of Technology, Nirma University on 15-16th March, 2011.
On the first day, from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m., a lecture was conducted by Mr. Dhaval Pujara and Mr.
S.C.Vora , who are faculties at Institute of Technology, Nirma University, and are also senior
members of IEEE. It was attended by 60 students of 2nd semester of the undergraduate B.Tech
program offered at the university. The lecture was an introduction to writing a technical paper-a
research paper or a review paper at various levels, namely a conference, or for a journal. It consisted of
the basic format that is expected of a technical paper and the process involved in publishing it for a
journal or presenting it at a conference.
The seminar was highly enlightening, stimulating, interesting and a huge success.
Orientation Session
A presentation on IEEE and its benefit was given by Branch Executives to first year students.
Hardware Hacks
IEEE Student Branch, Nirma University organized a workshop on on July 30, 2011 on
acquainting the students with the hardware of the computer systems, their arrangement in
a compact laptop, dis-assembling and re-assembling them. A total of 140 students of first,
second, third and fourth year attended the seminar.
The speakers of the event were Mr.Prunesh Patel from e4sys pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Santosh Chauhan from Krunal software.
The students learned how to remove the different hardware parts of the laptops and the
process done to repair them. The speakers also invited the questions from the students
regarding the troubles in their own computers and solved them with satisfactory solutions,
gave an overview about the rates of each component and their latest and widely used
versions. Lastly the students also approached the stage and observed each hardware
components themselves.
A quiz on Computer Hardware was also organized.
IEEE Student Branch, Nirma University organized a 2 day National Symposium “TECHNODYSSEY 11” on 23-24th September 2011 at Nirma University, Ahmedabad.
An overview of Technodyssey 2011:
Technodyssey is the annual flagship event of IEEE Student Branch of Nirma University. It had the event theme of “Forests”. The emphasis was kept more on the learning, gaining the knowledge, knowing about upcoming things and hence there were 3 different workshops, Paper Presentation, Quiz and Debate competition. The event descriptions are as follows:-
Workshop on 3D Game Development and Flash [23-24th September]
The workshop on 3D GAME DEVELOPMENT was conducted by Mr. Jitender and Mr. Dhananjay from ROBOSAPIENS, Delhi.Mr. Jitender taught the participants the basic concepts of Modeling, Animation and then concepts of developing a Game in software named MAYA. It was an interactive session where students asked enough questions and on the whole everybody enjoyed along with the process of learning. There were theory and practical session, alternatively. Mr. Dhananjay continuously guided the students and helped them with the practical approach. There were in all 20 participants and their feedback about the workshop was very positive.
Workshop on 3D Photography [24th September]
The workshop was conducted by Mr. Hitesh Gusani and Mr.Rahul Khanna from 3D India, Mumbai. 3D India is company from Mumbai which gives Training to students and also works in manycompanies to give 3D effects.It teaches us to convert 2D photo to 3D photo.It has trained and experienced faculties across many cities in India.
Workshop on Web Development using DRUPAL [23-24th September]
It was organized by Mr. Sunil Kumar Vishwakarma and Mr. Harish Saxena from i3indya Technologies, New Delhi. Topics covered: Introduction to CMS world, essential DRUPAL modules, multimedia functionalities, SEO and Google analytics and social media marketing.
Paper presentation [24th September]
Paper Presentation competition was conducted with great zeal and enthusiasm in Technodyssey 2011. This was a National level Paper Presentation competition organized for students of all over the nation with a theme of ‘Advancing Technology for Humanity’. There were a total of 29 Participant teams who came up with innovative and research work papers out of which 10 teams were selected for the final presentation. The honorable judges of the event were Dr J. G Jamnani, Electrical Department, Nirma University and Mr. Shibu Pillae, Chemical Department, Nirma University. The paper presentation event was successful in creating awareness among the students about emerging research topics in Engineering and also encouraged them to develop newer technologies.
QUIZ competition[24th September]
The quiz was conducted in two phases. In the first phase an online quiz was conducted on September 21st . Another elimination phase was carried out offline on September 22nd . The selected participants appeared in the second phase, which was an offline quiz conducted in the campus based on the general knowledge and presence of mind of the participants. In total 76 participants took part in this event.
Debate competition [24th September]
The Debate competition comprised of a presentation on the topic followed by questioning round which was compulsory for all the other teams to fetch a good score. There were a total of 6 teams comprising of 12 participants. The teams were judged by Mrs. Richa Sharma, Humanities department, Nirma Universit
Board Handover 2011
IEEE Student Branch, Nirma University prepped up its annual board handover tradition with a presentation session along with the interview process. The theme of the presentations was "How will you create Brand IEEE Vibrant"? Students who had applied for various posts in the board were required to present their views on the then current situation of student branch and affinity group and what their vision for the upcoming year was. Students presented some flaws and suggested solutions to the same which are being implemented in the coming year. Also during the board handover, the newly appointed members were initiated to the IEEE Code of Ethics by seniors who read them out loud.
Sampark '12
Sampark ‘12, an annual meet of all IEEE student branches across Gujarat, provided an ultimate networking platform for the young engineering students to interact with their counterparts studying at different colleges, to share and gain knowledge of advancing technologies and become aware of the current scenarios of technology. IEEE, Student Branch, Nirma University, hosted Sampark 2012, at Science City, Ahmedabad, with the theme of Youth Engagement in Science. A total of eight colleges participated in the event including GCET, DDIT, DAIICT, LDRP, UVPCE, Marwadi Institute, Gardi Vidyapeeth and the host, Nirma Institute of Technology. This year the event had an astounding participation of about 180 students from these colleges.
A presentation on IEEE and its benefit was given by Branch Executives to first year students.
SB Meeeting
In order to introduce new members to WIE and its culture, a General Body Meeting was organized and
it fulfilled our aim of discussing the authorities and responsibilities of each member, planning the future
events as well as it served as a checkpoint for our tentative preparation of various events. Some of the
major meetings were conducted for planning the entire STAR Activity, WIECON’12 and Radiance’12.
During this meeting,
a. The organizational structure of "Enlightening the Future" was decided and appropriately
divided into proper modules. The volunteers were grouped into teams for preparing the
presentations, collecting the necessary apparatus for practical models and hand-on experiments.
The members were made aware of the seriousness of the job allocated, how important it was to
themselves realize the importance of engineering which would help to pursue the students later.
While the final team of speakers was being selected through an interview, simultaneously the
efforts to contact school authorities were undertaken. The entire modules were then arranged and
perfected via practice and adequate supervision.
b. For Radiance'12 and WIECON'12, allocation of coordinators and volunteers into various
departments like Marketing, Administration, Human Resource and Development, Web
Development etc was carried out after thorough exploration. The other tasks of monitoring
deadlines, getting new feedbacks on timely basis and implementing them, creating backup plans
etc for these state level events were efficiently carried out.
Through the GATE
Seminar on GATE Examination, its preparation and scope of masters in India for second and third year students
IEEE Nirma University presented India’s first “SixthSenz Botz” vision robotics workshop designed by the TEAM ARK. In this workshop, we had tried to interface digital world with physical world. It was a two day workshop organized on 31st August and 1st September.. Technologies that were used:
Arduino was an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It was intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. For processing of the images, we used a tool known as MATLAB, which is widely used in industries. Workshop Kit Content: Kits were provided in a group of 5 people. The workshop was a complete hands-on session. All the necessary components required for the workshop was provided with the workshop kit.
Search Engine optimization:
The basic of reason for conducting this workshop was : “The basic principles of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) best practice are well-established and well-known to many. But to succeed in the competitive arena of Google's natural listings, you have to gain an edge by using advanced, ethical SEO techniques which are not subject to the search engine's spam filter.” An industry expert led this two-day workshop, reviewing attendees' existing optimisation approaches, analytics and tools against their top-performing competitors and best practice.
An online quiz was conducted consisting of general knowledge questions. The participants had to answer those questions within the given span of time. All the rounds were conducted online.
This event had always strived to bring out new researches going on around the world. Not that it introduces us to new and innovative projects and researches but also encourages us to bring out new ideas that could be helpful to solve the present day problems. The theme of the event was Advancing Technology for Humanity.
Circuits are present in every part of the life. In near future one can find circuits implemented inside the body too. Study of circuit and debugging is utter necessity. The competition here showed some of the real problems where usually either the circuit designers do mistakes or its the testing department committing errors. The DeCircuit competition was divided into two rounds. First round was a written elimination round. The second round consisted of debugging the error in the circuit provided.
This unique competition was meant to let the participants show their creativity, imagination, along with their technical skills and present their best collection of 3D photographs to compete in this 3D world. The most voted 3D photograph was the winner of the competition.
IEEE Xtreme Session
This session was aimed to give overview of IEEEXtreme competition to the IEEE Student members.
Board Handover 2012
IEEE Student Branch, Nirma University continued its annual board handover tradition with a
presentation session along with the interview process. The theme of the presentations was "How will
you create Brand IEEE Vibrant"? Students who had applied for various posts in the board were
required to present their views on the then current situation of student branch and affinity group and
what their vision for the upcoming year was.
Students presented some flaws and suggested solutions to the same which are being implemented in the
coming year. One of them being increased interactions among the team members for better flow of ideas
and smooth functioning of the club by increasing the frequency of meetings from once a month to a
regular of twice a month and sometimes even more in case of planning events. Also during the board
handover, the newly appointed members were initiated to the IEEE Code of Ethics by seniors who read
them out loud.
General board meeting
A General Board Meeting was conducted to tentatively decide layouts for new agendas and
how the various events will be scheduled this year.
The idea of "WIE SAY" was decided to be implemented and volunteers were grouped into
teams to prepare the list of women to be interviewed, questions to be asked and how the
documentation will be carried out.
Board decided to continue achieving the aim of sharing knowledge and spreading
awareness by keeping the ball rolling and conduct the star activities with same zeal.
Moreover, various workshops and seminars were planned and groups were formed for
proper implementation. Photoshop workshop was planned (and has been implemented successfully.)
Ideas for various competitions were introduced. Quizyber (which is now to be organized
on 6th April,2013) was tentatively planned.
The meeting also witnessed the new board sharing a variety of new ideas and opinions as
they embarked on this journey with fresh enthusiasm and carrying forward the vision and
mission of IEEE.
Session on IEEE benefits for student members
In order to introduce new members to IEEE and its culture, an informative session was
organized and which covered the following aspects :
Information about the online digital information available..discussions on memberNet
and IEEE explore etc.
Details regarding the scholarships available. Also the award opportunities available for
all IEEE student members.
The session also included the introduction to Gujarat State Student Network (SSN). The
various contact authorities were mentioned. The advantages of being an active member of
SSN were discussed.
Altogether, it was an interesting lecture to make the new members feel happy about their
decision of joining IEEE and current members becoming aware of more opportunities
available in this domain.
Meet with the Founding Chairperson of IEEE Nirma University
Women in engineering
IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated in promoting women engineers and scientists.
Mission and Vision of IEEE WIE
The mission of IEEE WIE is to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide.
IEEE WIE envisions a vibranty community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.
IEEE WIE strives to
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Recognize women’s outstanding achievements in electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations. |
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Organize receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE. |
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Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession. |
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Provide assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and support ongoing activities. |
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Promote IEEE member grade advancement for women to the membership grades of Senior Member and Fellow. |
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Facilitate the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs. |
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Administer the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior and high schools. |
WIE Nirma
Since its inception in 2010, WIE Affinity Group at Nirma University has been working continually and enthusiastically to bring a change in the mindset of female students, their male counterparts, parents and teachers, in the way they perceive engineering and most importantly ‘Women’ in Engineering. It has worked in areas concerned with creating awareness in female students regarding engineering as their career option, motivating them to stay firm on their choice of career in science stream and counseling them. The aim of WIE is not only to encourage students towards becoming engineers but also to keep them updated about the latest trends in technology.
My Experience as an Engineer
WIE (Women In Engineering) Affinity Group of Institute of Technology, Nirma University had conducted a survey of around 1000+ school girls, living in various urban and semi-urban localities of Gujarat, in age group of 15-18 years. This survey was conducted to understand why young girl students are reluctant to join the field of science and technology over commerce, arts and other streams. By this survey we have tried to peep into women's psyche to know what exactly drive women towards or away from the field of science. It helped us to realize the actual issue which sometimes becomes a deciding factor in progress for women. Other deciding factors like social support, awareness, encouragement and desire that can affect the girls to become engineers were also surveyed

The survey was conducted in different schools located in four different cities of Gujarat state, namely Rajkot, Surat, Gandhidham and Ahmedabad. The girls were given a questionnaire containing different types of questions pointing at respective unique issues. We had also promoted this initiative on social network sites such as Facebook and received great support. The results of the survey brought out a stark reality about the situation in Gujarat, which apparently exists in almost all parts of India.
The report of this survey was well appreciated by R10 Region WIE Coordinator and Editor and also found a place in IEEE R10 December’11 Newsletter.
IEEE R10 December’11 Newsletter: (“IEEE WIE Nirma University, India”, pg 21, 22 )
Youth Empowerment Campaign
Seeing the present scenario where girls take drop from schools after their 12th grade or are not opting for Technology and Engineering because of personal or financial reasons, IEEE WIE, Nirma University thought of making an effort to diagnose the problem and try to find effective solution. After considering the results of our ‘My Experience as an Engineer’ survey, IEEE, NU volunteers visited many different schools in villages across the state and made the girl students aware as to what engineering really was and what it took to be an engineer.

A systematic technical presentation was delivered describing various fields of engineering and the opportunities in those fields for women. In the interactive session, we interviewed some girls and we tried to clear their doubts. We encouraged them to explore engineering. After a discussion with the school principal, we came to the conclusion that girls themselves as well as their families should be made aware about the technological progress to stimulate their desire to become engineers and lend a helping hand to shape the world.

Approximately 300-400 girls attended the lecture and the first overwhelming response that we received was "huh toh engineer banish" (I will become an engineer!).
The Youth Empowerment Campaign was recognized in the IEEE R10 Newsletter (Page 22)
Chairperson | Monika Agarwal |
Vice Chairperson | Sanjay Medtiya |
Secretary | Hardik Jariwala |
Treasurer | Jay Vyas |
Enlightening the Future – STAR Activity
The IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program was developed to address the growing concern that, at a young age, girls are discouraged from careers in mathematics, science and engineering. This educational outreach program promotes involvement of IEEE members with local junior high and higher secondary schools in order to create a positive image of engineering careers. Through a one-to-one interaction between society volunteers and a Student-Teacher Team, STAR's aim is to create a technical support network for teachers and a mentoring program for students.

Basic Science In this module, interesting videos illustrating the phenomenon of luminescence will be shown followed by practical construction of their own kaleidoscope.
Computer Science
This module includes the general introduction of a student to the world of computers. Encapsulated in it are the topics of basic pre-requisite knowledge required for engineering courses.
Electronics Starting form morning, throughout the day we use so many electronic and electrical equipment. For the startup and basic idea, we have selected the day to day equipment in our electronics module.
Robotics This module aims at helping students in constructing their own manual robots, the real beauties of this intricate world.
General Awareness This module aims at creating awareness about the judicious usage of products like mobile, plastic, computers, etc. which will help to avoid their harmful effects on the human race and the society.

This STAR Activity was highly appreciated and the report found a place in
IEEE R10 Newsletter, December 2012 Issue. (Page 23)
Also, this noble initiative was appreciated by World's leading Gujarati Newspaper, "Gujarat Samachar"
WIECON’12 – WIE Congress
Congress/Forums unite students, young professionals and women in engineering and related fields to explore new and existing ideas, network and discuss issues in their profession. The confluence of volunteers with industry representatives and experienced IEEE leaders during this special event aims to energize tomorrow’s leaders into taking the IEEE and their professions to even greater heights.
WIECON’12 was a one day event scheduled on November 3, 2012 at NIRMA University. It provided a platform for the different IEEE Student Branches of Gujarat to come together, interact and learn from each other. It proved to be a fun-filled day with expert lectures, member-interaction activities, exciting prizes, and interaction with IEEE alumni.
For the entire report of WIECON’12, please click here
WIECON’12 received an overwhelming response and got recognized in
- IEEE R10 Newsletter, December 2012 Issue. (Page 23)
- Nirma University’s Newsletter , January 2013 Edition
- Gujarat’s widely read newspaper, Divya Bhaskar
Expert Lecture on Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
WIE, Nirma University, organized an expert lecture on VEHICULAR ADHOC NETWORKS for the students of Institute of Technology, Nirma University. The lecture was conducted by Prof. Pooja Shah and Prof. Usha Patel, researchers in the same field. The lecture witnessed an overwhelming response from a total of 40 students across all semesters. This lecture aimed at improving technical awareness among women engineers. The participants provided a positive feedback and were enthusiastic on attending further such expert lectures.
Seminar by members
These are the occasional seminars; each conducted with an independent purpose and is attended by members as well as non-members. 2 such seminars were conducted on 17th August, 2012 by the members viz : "Introduction to BigData" and "Smart Antenna” for the students of electronics and computer science. In addition to these, interesting videos from IEEETv were screened which added to the pool of information and fun.

Member Interaction
A Member Interaction Party was planned to appreciate the efforts put in by every member, after the successful completion of Radiance’12 – A State Level Technical Symposium and WIECON’12 – WIE Congress.
This celebration was meant to boost their morale and inspire them to work as diligently and enthusiastically in all the club endeavors just as they have been doing all these years.
Chairperson | Akanksha Goyal |
Vice Chairperson | Samrudhdhi Rangrej |
Secretary | Mansi Ganatra |
Treasurer | Karan Prajapati |
Public Relation Officer | Henal Shah |
General Board Meeting
A General Board Meeting was conducted to tentatively decide layouts for new agendas and how the various events will be scheduled this year. The idea of “WIE SAY!" was decided to be implemented and volunteers were grouped into teams to prepare the list of women to be interviewed, questions to be asked and how the documentation will be carried out. WIE Board decided to continue achieving the aim of sharing knowledge and spreading awareness by keeping the ball rolling and conduct the STAR activities with same zeal. Moreover, various workshops and seminars were planned and groups were formed for proper implementation. The meeting also witnessed the new board sharing a variety of new ideas and opinions as they embarked on this journey with fresh enthusiasm and carrying forward the vision and mission of WIE.
WIE SAY! – Interview Series
Our daily lives, they are almost so very much scheduled, we have appointments, commitments, colleges to attend, lectures to give and take, but in the midst of all this, we always have time to talk, or to find more suitable words, chit-chat and to be even more accurate just jibber-jabber. Of the all time favorites in these conversations, is the topic "Role of women in today's world. Has it changed ? Their position, their talent, their voice, has it over powered the males ?" Well obviously it is no longer unknown that they are on par with the males in most of the fields and way progressive than them in some as well, but it is not only this, it is their perfection in multi-tasking abilities that make them so superior to the opposite sex in certain ways. The irony is, that this scenario has not been properly illustrated to the female population, thus making them doubt their credibility in a still so "male chauvinist" society in some of the countries of the world.
So this is the point where we interject and make an effort in spreading the word, that things are really not so complete without the contribution from the female engineers, doctors, researchers, etc.
WIE Affinity Group Nirma University along with IEEE Student Branch Nirma University has been making efforts to create awareness and spread the well established facts about the heights the women have reached since years in all spheres of life. From small girls to the matured ones in colleges, we have reached everywhere to know how connected are they to the real time developments and how well are they performing out there in the world.
To make it even more visible, we have started with this initiative where we will interview all the achievers and have their experiences shared on a blog, thus the blog will serve as an open platform where everybody can learn how hard have their counterparts worked to make it happen for themselves. Also, any queries can be posted on the article and they will be entertained with open arms and every possible help will be provided. Suggestions for the same are always welcomed.
Have a look at what the Women In Enginnering says:WIE SAY!
Photoshop Workshop
The workshop was conducted to acquaint the member students with the high-end techniques of Adobe photoshop. Technically, photoshop editing is required for almost every aspect : be it normal poster presentation or creating graphic design projects or a reason as simple as editing photos for profile pictures and sharpening your creativity. Thus, the event was organized to serve all such aspects with an easier to learn presentation.

Chairperson | Samrudhdhi Rangrej |
Vice Chairperson | Mansi Ganatra |
Secretary | Barkha Agarwal |
Treasurer | Charu Kulshrestha |
Public Relation Officer | Prachi Gaur |
R10 award
The WIE, Student Branch, Nirma University wins the prestigious WIE Affinity Group of the Year Award 2011 for R10(Asia-Pacific) Region.
The Student Branch WIE, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Gujarat Section conducted the extensive and excellent survey "My Experience as an Engineer" to investigate reasons about the enigma of the lack of girls in the technical field as well. Based on the result of the survey, they promoted "Young Empowerment Campaign" for spreading awareness about engineering among girls. This survey and campaign have been reported in the Student Branch Website, the Student Branch Newsletter, and the R10 Newsletter in Dec. 2011 issue. This award is for their outstanding efforts in spreading awareness about engineering to girls in various parts of Gujarat.
- R10 WIE Committee
WIE Nirma launched its first newsletter in January 2012, that describes about the various activities carried out in the past year.
To view the newsletter, Click here
Annual Women In Engineering Magazine
In WIECON'12, the Inaugural Edition of the Annual “Women In Engineering” Magazine was launched by Dr. Savita Gandhi, Director, Rollwala Computer Center, Gujarat. The magazine contained a myriad of articles ranging from technical, non technical to current affairs which aimed at emphasizing the efforts of the women fighting against all the odds and achieving newer zeniths. Through the magazine, WIE Nirma, hopes to spread a new message to inspire and encourage people to be a part of this endeavor.
Have a look at the magazine: Click Here
Chairperson | Mohit Moradiya |
Vice-Chairperson | Sarvan Kumar Dhoot |
Treasurer | Shlok Trivedi |
Secretary | Hemang B. Garach |
Deputy Secretary | Parth Vaidya |
Web Master | Vishrut Shah |
Public Relation Officer | Jayson Jariwala |
Creative Committee Chair | Ujjval Shah |
Chairperson | Rushi Vyas |
Vice-Chairperson | Rahul Shah |
Treasurer | Sagar Shah |
Technical Head | Jishnu Dave |
Public Relation Officer | Ankit Kansal |
Editor | Sudeep Sauche |
Creative Committee Chair | Karan Kurani |
Chairperson | Parth Vyas |
Vice-Chairperson | Jay Patel |
Treasurer | Pranay Garg |
Secretary | Hibtulla Bharmal |
Deputy Secretary | Vimal Gohel |
Web Master | Vishrut Shah |
Public Relation Officer | Ankit Agarwal |
Creative Committee Chair | Chirag Gandhi |
Chairperson | Ankit Kawadiya |
Vice-Chairperson | Ashish Trivedi |
Treasurer | Bharat Gang |
Secretary | Monika Agrawal |
Deputy Secretary | Anshul Gupta |
Web Master | Sanjay Medtiya |
Editor | Sachi Solanki |
Program Committee Chair | Jay Vyas |
Publicity Committee Chair | Pankaj Gera |
Creative Committee Chair | Sumit Hasrajani |
MDO | Ankur Morbia |
Chairperson | Ankur Morabia |
Vice-Chairperson | Akanksha Goyal |
Treasurer | Chintan Patel |
Secretary | Jigar Kaneria |
Deputy Secretary | Priyank Bhadja |
Web Master | Viral Thakkar |
Editor | Vidhi Sampat |
Publicity Committee Chair | Stavan Karia |
Creative Committee Chair | Poojan Jhaveri |
MDO | Divyesh Patel |
Chairperson | Stavan Karia |
Vice-Chairperson | Karan Prajapati |
SBR | Krupen Ghetiya |
Treasurer | Nidhay Sheth |
Secretary | Divyesh Patel |
Web Master | Dharmin Patel |
Editor | Kinara Shah |
Creative Committee Chair | Jolly Dhamsaniya |
MDO | Vishwa Tanna |
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE's highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
Through its technical publishing, conferences and consensus-based standards activities, the IEEE
produces 30 percent of the world's published literature in electrical and computers technology,
holds annually more than 300 major conferences and
has nearly 900 active standards with 700 under development
IEEE Gujarat Section
The IEEE Gujarat section is one of the small and most important one in the Asia-Pacific region.
IEEE Gujarat Section comes under Asia-Pacific Region, the Region 10 of IEEE. The Gujarat Section, a sub section of Bombay Section, was upgraded to full fledged section on 15th August 1990. In 2004 Gujarat Section was adjudged the Outstanding Small Section of Region 10.
The section has emphasis on quality programmes and such programmes are regular feature for professional development of its members. The section's participative philosophy allows students to make programmes as per their own need. Section encourages students and has instituted awards for student members.
Gujarat Section has always been pioneer in organizing programs for professional and students. Its annual event ‘Sampark’ gives a platform to student members to design IEEE events of the year as per their own need and requirement. This helps IEEE student members of the Section to be their own leader. ‘Sampark’ had also been featured in one of the issue of ‘The Institute’.
Currently IEEE Gujarat Section has six chapters covering nine of the IEEE societies and 12 IEEE Student Branches.
Link :Gujurat Section
IEEE Students Branch,Nirma University
It is student branch since 2000. It is the only Technical Student Branch with members from six different streams. We organizes various events every year. We have Technical and Management trainings for the members. We have good communication outside Nirma as well.
Stavan Karia Chair Person stavan.karia@ieee-nit.com Mob:+918866087412 |
Karan Prajapati Vice Chair Person karan.prajapati@ieee-nit.com Mob:+919033822909 |
Samruddhi Rangrej WIE Chair Person samruddhi.rangrej@ieee-nit.com Mob:+919426541122 |
Mansi Ganatra WIE Vice Chair Person mansi.ganatra@ieee-nit.com Mob:+919173319152 |
Krupen Ghetiya Student Branch Representative krupen.ghetiya@ieee-nit.com Mob:+917405116954 |
Maulin Shukla Student Branch Representative maulin.shukla@ieee-nit.com Mob:+919427945025 |