IEEE Student Branches at three prominent Engineering institutions of
Karachi, IIEE, NED and UIT, in collaboration with IEEE Karachi Section,
organized a full day Student Paper Conference on “Technology Extravaganza”
on Saturday August 11, 2001 at the Auditorium of NED University of
Engineering and Technology, Karachi, in which 13 speakers presented their
papers on various technologies of new era. The conference was attended by
over 400 students, engineers, IT professionals and entrepreneurs.
Extravagant Enthusiasm for technical know-how – particularly in the fields
of Electrical Engineering, Information Systems and Electronic Engineering –
is our greatest national need at present.
That was the theme for the Student Paper Conference “Technology
Extravaganza”, which was made all the more auspicious by the presence of
Chief Guest Engineer Abul Kalam, Vice-Chancellor NED University of
Engineering & Technology, Mr. Salman Ansari, Advisor to Ministry of Science
& Technology, Dr. Syed Irfan Hyder, Head of E-Commerce Working Group, MoST,
as well as Mr. Shahid Suleman Jan, Chairman IEEE Karachi Section.
The objective of this Student Conference was to proliferate healthy
technical activities among the Engineering students of Pakistan, especially
Karachi, by promoting creativity, development and sharing knowledge about
Electrical, Electronics and Information Technologies and Sciences for the
benefit of humanity and the profession.
This was for the first time that any such joint activity at Karachi Section
level was arranged in collaboration with all IEEE Student Branches of the
city. However, now it has been decided to include this conference in the
IEEE Karachi Section Annual Program and from this year 2001, this conference
has become a regular feature of the annual programs of the IEEE Karachi
Section and IEEE Student Branches of the city.
Another noteworthy fact about this IEEE Student Paper Conference “Technology
Extravaganza” was that this was first time in our Asia Pacific Region that
only students were arranging such an attractive event. It was a full day
conference with papers presenting in the various sectors of technology by
the students from different engineering institutes and universities.
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch actively coordinated efforts with other student
branches to make this Student Paper Conference a big success. IIEE-IEEE
Student Branch provided technical as well as financial help for this mega
event. Various meetings were held at IIEE-IEEE Student Branch to coordinate
the activities of IEEE Karachi Section & IEEE Student Branches for the
arrangement of “Technology Extravaganza”. Various personnel from our IEEE
Student Branch were appointed in the organizing and technical committees for
this Technology Seminar. These personnel of IIEE-IEEE Student Branch
included Mr. Adeel A. Nafis, Vice-Chairman IIEE-IEEE Student Branch who was
also given the responsibility of being the “Vice Chairman” of the Organizing
Committee. Also Mr. Humayuon Kabir Khan, Chairman IIEE-IEEE Student Branch
was appointed as a member of the Organizing Committee. IIEE-IEEE Student
Branch Counselor Mr. Ashab Mirza was requested to accept the post of “Chief
Coordinator” for the Conference. Also his name was appointed as a member of
Technical Committee.
IIEE-IEEE Student Branch was also given the responsibility of acting as the
IEEE Conference Secretariat, thus was responsible for the registration of
students and professionals for the Conference.
The official email address of the “IEEE Conference Secretariat” – IIEE-IEEE
Student Branch is
Students from our Branch also actively participated in the “Paper
Conference”. Out of the thirteen papers which were selected for the
presentation on the Conference day, three papers were from our Institute
IIEE and its IEEE Student Branch. You can download these technical papers,
along with their presentations or slide shows, from
The official web page for this Student Paper Conference was hosted at IEEE
Karachi Section Website and can be visited at
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IIEE-IEEE Student Branch.
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