Expo Robots Science, Technology, Sun & Sea.

"EXPOROBOTS" was held at the Hotel Copacabana Acapulco Guerrero 1 to December 3, 2010 where IEEE-TESCo Student Branch participated with a stand of IEEE. As background this event was performed with great success in Mexico City with an influx of more than 25,000 people.


EXPOROBOTS is a colorful spectacle that involves science and technology education in the areas of Robotics, Electronics, Telecommunications, Mechatronics, Computer , Video Games, Animation, Special Effects , Science and Technology, Teaching Materials Vanguard, Interactive Material and related areas.


In parallel the First International Conference on Technological Innovation and Business was performed. Integrating inside his master cycle researchers and / or university professors with high academic standards , involved in science in its various areas of knowledge, as well as successful Mexican business conferences, allowing disclosure and knowledge of new research and innovation of new technology products.


The mission of both events translates into new opportunities and market niches that may support the business relationship of each of our businesses, schools or perhaps the possibility of exploring niche opportunities that maintain the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises.

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