IEEExtreme v5.0 IEEE 24hrs programming competition.

On October 21, 2011 was held the annual programming contest called "IEEExtreme 5.0" in which three students in Computer Systems Engineering from Tesco, IEEE members, took first place standing at 793 of 1,515 teams participants worldwide, with the participation of countries like China, India, Thailand, Canada, USA, Peru, Brazil, among others.


The competition consists of a series of problems proposed by IEEE which should be solved within 24 hours via online, in which the same participants are programming them uninterruptedly getting points for each problem solved and in turn by the time it takes to encode correctly.


The teams are composed of three people maximum. If you are interested in participating in next year's edition do not hesitate to inform any of the members of the IEEE student branch Tesco.


Organized by the IEEE-TESCo Student Branch, the event was attended by over 100 people including principals from the University. At the end he gave us an interview and later he went into a guided tour taken by the chair and vice-chair of the SB around the University and its facilities.

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