Science & Technology 2010 2010 IEEE-TESCo SB participation.

As part of a proposal by members of the board of the Branch initiative, Mini - Robotics course taught by the Vice President of the same , developed the course lasted three weeks and was held at the offices of Branch.The aim was to inform new members some devices used in electronics and in order that the end of the course six prototype carts online followers to arm team.


He highlighted the work of the Vice President in the activity and enthusiasm and commitment of the members of the Branch for assistance and purchase of materials used , the objective was met and held a sample of such prototypes at the event organized by the Tesco in Week of Science and Technology , where a stand was placed and a competition - show prototypes and their implementation was performed.


In the event the dissemination of IEEE in Tesco was performed , obtaining an extensive list of interested in joining the Branch . We are currently working with them and encouraging them to complete their register- and start enjoying all the benefits of the IEEE .

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