Find below a list of the most important branches that make up the IEEE and its operations.

IEEE Standards Association

The IEEE SA is the leading developer of global industry standards in a broad range of fields, in order to promote balance, openness, due process and consensus.

IEEE Technical Activities Board . . .

The IEEE TAB (Technical Activities Board) promotes, facilitates and supports a global network of over 30,000 members organized in more than 40 IEEE Technical Societies & Councils, fostering the advancement of their respective fields.

IEEE Publications

IEEE publishes more than 100 of the leading journals in computing, telecommunications, power and dozens of other disciplines, Conference Proceedings, and more. They are conveniently featured in several Online Collections, delivering the most highly cited periodicals in the industry.

IEEE Xplore & Member Digital Library

Members can subscribe to these premium online delivery systems of publications, ranging from Journals, Magazines, Conference Proceedings to all current IEEE standards ranging back as far as 1950.

IEEE Conferences

The IEEE sponsors more than 300 conferences each year, including technical conferences, workshops, professional/careers/technical policy meetings, and standards working group meetings. In addition, the IEEE is involved in almost 200 "topical interest" meetings, either as consultants to the technical program or as other non-financial partners.

IEEE Store – The definitive source for Engineering products

Members receive substantial discounts on over 15,000 books, magazines, conference proceedings and other specialty publications

IEEE Career Development Tools

The IEEE offers a variety of Career related services, such as the Job Navigator, Employment Databases, Rèsumè and Planning Tips and numerous publications that keep you up to date in your field.

IEEE Online Communities

Online Communities provide you with a place to discuss vital issues in your technical area, network with others, seek peer and expert interchange, all without being restricted by geographical boundaries or time of day.





IEEE membership increased 1.2 percent in 2004 to a total of 365,483.


Higher grade memberships decreased 0.1 percent to 297,125, while student memberships grew 7 percent to 68,358.


Society memberships for the year declined 4.6 percent to a total of 352,141.




There are ...

..more than 365,000 members in over 150 countries, almost 40 percent of whom are from outside the United States.


..more than 221,000 members are in the United States.