As time permits, examples of innovative tools of video creation software will be given here that is not powerpoint.
With more time, I plan to provide more examples such as a video playlist presentations, interactive buttons within the videos and demonstrations of multi-media ebooks.
Drag-n-Drop. Monster Maker Demonstration of putting a system together. You can change images to show STEM concepts like putting block diagrams, flow charts, or a communication system together.
HTML 5 Web Video Player Lists with Embedded Links on the Videos.
Adobe Presenter . An e-learning platform that is easy to use. If necessary, Professor Santiago is planning on learning and to teach the full-time engineering faculty. Below is a description of Adobe Presenter 10. This will reduce coordination time between faculty and developers
Simple to use, intuitive, PPT add-on/familiarity, amazingly interactive and has drag-n-drop capability, very little learning curve, side-by-side display, no studio needed, technical challenges taken care of by presenter.