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IEEE Programming Competition 1.0

Posted by Admin 10 AprilPrepared by Lama AlShegri
Java Programming Session

On the spirits of encouraging our fellow students and boosting their trust in their programming abilities we came up with the idea of conducting a programming competition. What inspired us was the IEEEXtreme Programming Competition. Therefore, on Thursday the 10th of April 2014 we launched our annual IEEE Programming Competition.

Like the concept of the IEEEXtreme programming competition, in our competition teams of student were presented with a list of problems that they had to solve. However, the duration of our competition is 4hrs only. Competitors had the privilege to use any resource they want, be it books, lectures etc. But they were prohibited to use the Internet.

Before the competition we distributed fliers telling students about the competition and how to register in it. In addition, we organized for a programming session to prepare the competitors. Attending the programming session was not mandatory; therefore, whoever felt like they needed to refresh their knowledge came.

The IEEE Programming Competition started and hence was the debut of the IEEE Programming Competition. There were a total of 12 Students in 5 teams. We provided them with refreshments and activities so that they can rest. After two hours have passed, we gave the students a mock interview asking them about what they think about the competition and such questions.

in conclusion, although preparing for the competition was not an easy task to do, it was fun. And what added to the fun was the competitors’ feedback on it. The most important part here is that we got us some winners. 1st place: Hajar AlTurki and Latifah Jaafar, 2nd place: Deemah AlMousa, Nehal and Nouf Al Alshaikh and 3rd place: Linah AlHamdan, Aljouhara AlYousef and Sara AlKhaldy.

Prepared by:

Lama AlShegri
Vice Chair of IEEE_PSU branch