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IEEEXtreme Programming competition7.0

Posted by Admin 27OctoberPrepared by Lama AlShegri
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The extreme programming competition was one of the major activities that our student branch contributed in during 2013. Basically IEEEXtreme is a global wide 24hrs competition where teams of IEEE members compete against each other to solve programming problems. Throughout this article we would like to tell you about our experience as well as the results that we have accomplished.

As soon as we heard the news about the competition, we distributed fliers all around the campus to call for members. We got a total of 12 participants in 4 teams. Before the competition we have made study groups to revise and add-on to our programming knowledge. Although the competition was on Saturday, which was the last day of our weekend, we were beyond excited about it. Since we spent almost a whole day in campus we prepared suitcases with almost everything we needed and did not need.

The competition started and we were all in campus. Just as we prepared our stuff to start solving, the fire alarm started! We got confused and went out to discover that there were nothing serious and everything is OK. And so we got back to our problems that needed to be solved. We waited and waited for our programming skills to kick in. the time passed and our heads were aching and as the saying goes “a healthy mind requires a healthy body”, we decided to do some sports. We conducted a race and found a talent in one of our friends, she (mashallah!) should be a racer... really!

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The time passed and we solved problems, got into different conversations, played and made silly jokes. The IEEE programming competition not only added to our programming experience but also we became closer with our friends. And we won first place in Saudi Arabia. That day, Saturday the 27th of October, will never be forgotten.

Prepared by:

Lama AlSegri
Vice Chair of IEEE_PSU branch