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Learn photoshop workshop

Posted by Admin 2 AprilPrepared by Banan Hamad
Home Portfolio

IEEE_PSU student branch introduced adobe Photoshop in a workshop on Wednesday, April 2nd, 2014. The workshop was conducted by Farah Arif who has long experience in Photoshop.

The number of attendees was 6 students. The presenter Farah started the workshop by welcoming attendees and introducing herself, and then asked them some questions about Photoshop in order to have a background about their knowledge in Photoshop.

The workshop included both theoretical and practical parts; students were able to practice and apply the introduced concepts step by step.

The workshop included an introduction about adobe Photoshop, introducing the interface and general environment of the program, representing tools one by one including the main jobs for each tools and the basic things that can be done using each tool. Students had a chance for asking questions, and sharing experiences.

This introduction was very important because being comfortable with the program is important for the designer in order to produce more efficient and creative work. Students were very excited about the workshop, and recommended more workshops about adobe Photoshop.

At the end of the workshop, the presenter thanked the students for their attendance and told them that she will plan for more workshops .

Prepared by:

Banan Hamad
Secretary of IEEE_PSU branch