John H. Lau Receives IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education

PISCATAWAY, NJ. 27 November 2000. Dr. John H. Lau, Interconnection Technology Scientist in the Fiber Optic Communication Division of Agilent Technologies, was awarded the IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education at the IEEE Organizational Units Series on 17 November 2000 in Tampa, Florida.

"The most rewarding part of this activity," Dr. Lau enthused, "is receiving mail and phone calls from my students telling me that they are applying what they learned from me to their work!"

Dr. Lau has written over 150 peer reviewed technical papers and delivered more than 200 lectures, technical workshops, and courses from Taiwan to Oxford, Lake Buena Vista, Florida to Japan in subjects ranging from Thermal Stress to Low-cost Flip Chip Technologies. He has also authored and edited 12 books.

With nearly 30 years of experience in research and development and manufacturing in the electronics, petroleum, nuclear, and defense industries coupled with founding his own company, Express Packaging Systems, Inc., San Jose, California, Dr. Lau brings to his continuing education efforts a wide range of expertise.

As part of his professional commitment, he has taken the time and made the effort by giving his workshops to assist his worldwide colleagues in their efforts to keep current or to branch out into different fields. When asked about his future volunteer plans, Dr. Lau said he intended to "keep doing it!"

Dr. Lau is a Fellow of both the ASME and the IEEE. He is a member of the IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society and has served as an associate editor of their Transactions.

Chris Chang, Manager at Express Packaging Systems and IEEE member, in nominating Dr. Lau for this honor, stressed "his consistent devotion and excellent performance in providing and delivering workshops, courses, and papers on electronics packaging and interconnection since 1985."

Begun in 1984 this award is presented in recognition of dedicated contribution to the design, delivery, and support of continuing education programs. The IEEE EAB believes that the only way for an engineer to maintain professional vitality and flexibility is by continual renewal and updating of current skills and acquisition of new ones.

Dr. Lau was presented with a commemorative walnut and brass plaque and a $1000 honorarium by EAB Vice President Professor Lyle Feisel. The engraved citation reads, "for exemplary and sustained contributions to continuing education in electronics packaging and interconnection worldwide."