12th Topical Meeting on
Electrical Performance
of Electronic Packaging

EPEP 2003


The IEEE Microwave
Theory and Techniques Society


The IEEE Components,
Packaging and Manufacturing
Technology Society



October 27-29, 2003
The Westin Princeton
Princeton, New Jersey

Call for papers


Michel Nakhla, Carleton University, Canada
Tawfil Arabi, Intel Corporation

The general subject of the meeting is the electrical modeling, design, analysis, and characterization of electronic interconnections and packaging structures. A forum will be provided for the discussion of the following topics as they relate to chip-to-chip and on-chip interconnections in electronic systems:

Package analysis, including numerical methods and algorithms
Electro-magnetic analysis tools
Advances in transmission-line techniques
Power distribution and package resonance
Switching noise in multi-layered structures

Impact of OE/EO transducers on performance of module-level inter-module interconnects
RF/microwave packaging structures and their electrical performance
Multilayer LTCC packaging for microwave applications
MMIC modules and high density packaging
Experimental characterization techniques and testing procedures
EMC/EMI sources & effects
Prediction and measurement of radiation from on-chip sources, inter-connect structures and packaged systems
Long distance propagation in large switching complexes.

Electrical isues in MEMS packaging
New and innovative interconnect packaging structures and their electrical performance
Electrical design implications for low cost, high volume packaging
Packaging concerns for wireless communication: design and modeling
Packaging solutions for one chip radios: design and modeling
Performance of low cost packaging solutions for communications systems
Performance of packaging for automotive radar systems
Optoelectronic packaging; structure and system applications

Current and future issues related to on-chip interconnections
Router friendly models and modeling tools: accuracy & efficiency
Modeling and design of high speed digital IO circuits: signal propagation and reception
On-chip power delivery and regulation
Advances in modeling core switching noise, and design of novel solutions
On-chip measurement techniques


Additional information may be obtained from the conference co-chairs:

Michel Nakhla, email: msn@doe.carleton.ca - phone: 613-520-5780
Tawfik Arabi, email: tawfik.r.arabi@intel.com - phone: 503-613-5903

Conference Web Page

Updated information about the conference can also be found on the web page at:

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers describing new technical contributions in the areas broadly covered above.

A pdf or Word file, NOT TO EXCEED FOUR PAGES, in single-column format, including (black and white) illustrations, should be emailed to: epd@engr.arizona.edu

All papers must be written in English. The title of the paper, names and affiliations of all authors, including complete mailing addresses, telephone, FAX numbers and email addresses must appear on the first page of the paper, as well as a 35 word abstract. Email is absolutely necessary since it will be used for all communications with authors. Failure to provide the author(s) email address may result in non-selection of the paper. In a separate cover letter, please indicate the category that best fits your paper. If the paper is accepted, it will be reproduced, as submitted, in the meeting's digest.

An IEEE transfer of copyright form may be found at:


The signed form should be faxed to 520-621-1443 or included with your email paper submission.

Submissions must be received no later than July 12, 2003

Student Paper Award

Two special awards will be presented to the best two papers submitted and presented by a student. To be considered for the award, the student must be a full-time student during the January thru May time frame, be the lead author and must present the paper at the meeting. A statement must be attached by the student's faculty advisor certifying that the lead author is a bona fide student at the cited institution. The paper cannot be considered for the award without this documentation.


Short Courses/Workshops

On Sunday, October 26, 2003, a workshop entitled "Future Directions in Packaging" will be presented. See the accompanying materials for details.

On Sunday, October 26, 2003, short courses will be offered. Proposals for these courses should be submitted to the program co-chairs by July 12, 2003.

Product and Advertisement Displays

Parties interested in displaying products and software packages at this meeting should contact Engineering Professional Development at the address given below. Individual company sponsorship of the breaks is greatly appreciated, and facilities are provided for displaying sponsors' advertising materials.

Conference Location

The conference will be held at the Westin Princeton, 201 Village Blvd, Princeton, NJ 08540 The hotel is holding a block of rooms for participants at a special rate of $145.00 single or double occupancy, plus tax.

Room reservations must be made by October 4, 2003 to guarantee these rates. After this time rooms will be on a space and rate available basis only. Reservations may be made by calling the hotel at 609-452-7900. Be sure to mention you are attending the Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging Conference.

Conference Administration

Questions regarding the administration of the conference may be directed to:

Engineering Professional Development
The University of Arizona
1224 N. Vine Avenue
Tucson AZ 85719-4552
Phone: 520-621-3054/5104
Fax: 520-621-1443
Email: epd@engr.arizona.edu