Networking the "CPMT" World

The motto of IEEE is "Networking the World". Members of the IEEE Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society are Networking the "CPMT" World. CPMT members have the opportunity to network with other professionals, and the chance to participate in technical and educational activities for professional development at over 30 chapters around the world. The CPMT Society through a subsidy program for local technical, educational and membership activities, and a Distinguished Lecturers Program, support the global CPMT Chapters.

Additional networking opportunities exist at over 30 technical meetings the CPMT Society sponsors or co-sponsors annually. Global leaders in their fields of expertise share the newest technologies, providing the most up-to-date information. Topics include: Foundation Technologies, Components and Devices, Packaging, and Process and Manufacturing. Members are eligible for discounts on conference registration.

The CPMT Society values its global members. Thanks for being a CPMT Society member.

Ralph W. Russell, II
CPMT Society
Strategic Director for Global Membership and Chapter Development