TC-1 News from 2004
TC-1: Technical Committee on Electrical Contacts, Connectors, and Cable
The scope of this Committee is to be the focal point within the IEEE CPMT Society for electrical contacts, electrical connectors, and interconnecting cable. Its membership consists of individuals having an interest in the research, development, manufacture, and utilization of electrical contacts and devices that contain them. The Committee holds regularly scheduled meetings and functions through the Holm Organization and through task forces having specific objectives. The Committee sponsors or supports conferences, publications, educational, standardization, and other activities.
Highlight in 2004 included the following:
1. The Joint 2004 IEEE 50th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts
and the 22nd International Conference on Electrical Contacts was
held in Seattle, Washington on September 20 to 24. After 2 years
on low attendance due to the slow economy, the 2004 conference
was a great success with over 170 attendees from many countries.
The technical program was very successful with 79 papers in 16
sessions. This included 21 from North America, 37 from Europe
and 21 from Asia. Papers were presented on electric contacts in
switches, relays and connectors, new contact materials and coatings,
arc fundamentals, thermal models, finite element analysis and
corrosion. New technology areas on MEM and high frequency contacts
were special topics organized by the TC1 sub-committees to focus
the importance of contact physics. More details of the program
and abstracts can be found in our web site.
The Ragnar Holm Scientific Achievement Award Lecture was done
by Professor Koichio Sawa
of Keio University, and the Morton Antler Lecture was done by
Dr. Robert Mrockowski.
Again their expertise in the electrical contacts area made the
lectures most informative for everyone.
On Wednesday night, we also had a successful social event to the Kiana Lodge. This
was a true Northwest experience with a cruise through Puget Sound
to taste the world famous salmon fish and steamed clams, and more
importantly, the opportunity to mingle among international friends
and colleagues.
2. At the conference, a standing ovation was also given to Professor Werner Rieder for his being recognized by the Austrian government for his scientific contributions with a special Dr. Werner Rieder stamp. A real rare feat for any engineer.
3. TC1 also completed a DVD project with Dr. Thomas Schoepf as editor. The DVD contains all the technical papers of 50 Holm Conferences. This dates from 1953 to 2004. A must have information source for anyone in the field of electrical contacts.
The 2005 IEEE Holm Conference will be back to Chicago on September 26-28. The International Committee also announced that the 23rd ICEC will be on 6-9 June 2006 in the beautiful city of Sendai, Japan.
For more information on many special events organized by this committee such as annual IEEE Holm conference, intensive course, international conference, DVD library and link to other societies, please visit our web site at
Photo Gallery - Joint 22nd International Conference on Electrical Contact and 50th IEEE Holm Conference in Seattle, Washington.
Phil Wingert, Armington Awardee