Letter from the Editor

Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil at the September meeting of the Seattle EMC Chapter. Note Chapter members are busily completing surveys to critique a Distinguished Lecturer’s presentation.

What’s It All About?
Okay, so the popular song from the 60s may have made this question cliché (note I didn’t include a reference to Alfie), but when I read through the articles in this issue, it struck me how much our EMC Society is driven by our Chapters. The Chapter Chatter section of this Newsletter has always been one of our most popular, and lengthy, articles due to the numerous contributions of the Chapters from around the world. I noted that there was increased representation by our international chapters at our annual Chapter Chair Luncheon in Boston this year. We’ve included some scenes from the Chapter Chair Luncheon on pages 18-19 of this Newsletter. Take a good look at the men and women in these photos that provide the effort driving EMC activity in their respective communities. When you look at the “org chart” of the IEEE, the Chapters are at the bottom. But these local Chapters are the “grass roots” of our Society and are tremendously effective. They organize local meetings, one-day tutorials or workshops, holiday gatherings, and social events, not to mention that they organize our annual EMC Symposium!

The local Chapter of Central New England organized the 2003 IEEE Symposium on EMC in Boston. This Chapter has many long-time, committed members, such as John Clarke who has regularly contributed to the Chapter Chatter column for decades. Joe Butler, our EMC Society immediate Past President, is a long time member. Lee Hill, Chairman of our Distinguished Lecturer Program, likewise has been involved in the Chapter for years. Boris Shusterman has been extending his company’s hospitality to the Chapter over the years by hosting their monthly meetings at his facility. Colin Brench is a Chapter member who is a past Distinguished Lecturer of the EMC Society. Bob Dockey likewise was a past Distinguished Lecturer of the EMC Society. He was a member of the 2006 IEEE EMC Symposium steering committee who moved cross-country to take a new job in the Boston area. He immediately joined the 2003 IEEE EMC Symposium steering committee upon arrival! Now, that’s dedication to our Chapters! And, of course, Symposium Chair Jon Curtis is a long time member of this Chapter and resident of the New England area. Along with the other members of the local committee, the Central New England Chapter organized an incredible Symposium that will long be remembered.

2003 was a significant year for two of our Chapters. The Israel Chapter organized a very unique Symposium in Istanbul in May. The Central New England Chapter organized an equally unique Symposium in Boston in August. We profiled the Istanbul Symposium in the last issue of this Newsletter. This issue features coverage of the Boston Symposium. We hope you’ll enjoy reading about this Symposium and be impressed by the efforts of the local committee.

So, what’s it all about? The EMC Chapters!



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