Donald N. Heirman was recently awarded the 2003 Finegan Standards Medal from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

The award nomination cited Don’s “extraordinary leadership, technical contributions and the development and delivery of education and training in support of standards and related processes that has made major contributions to the strengthening of ANSI electromagnetic compatibility standards in North America and worldwide. This is exemplified by his successful work in getting the preeminent ANSI C63.4 (measurement methods referenced by the FCC) and C63.7 (covering guidance on construction of the universal RF emission compliance test facility) to the marketplace, which was instrumental in making repeatable and accurate compliance measurements possible. In his IEEE standards work, he continues a pivotal role in leading the work and role of the IEEE Standards Association as well as the EMC Society, where his influence in EMC standards began in 1982 when he started multi-year terms as chair of its standards committee. His efforts extend to the international standardization program of the IEC via technical contributions and leadership in the US National Committee and in the IEC Special International Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). In the USNC Technical Management Committee he has promoted US positions on a wide range of technical and political EMC matters. His work in product compliance laboratory accreditation led him to the presidency of the US National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA) where he signed ground breaking agreements with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Standards Council of Canada, and the Mexican calibration authorities. In his over 20 years of national and international standards technical and administrative leadership in ANSI ASC C63, the IEEE Standards Association and its EMC Society, the US National Committee of the IEC, the IEC CISPR, and NACLA, Don is a most recognized name as an elected and appointed leader, technical contributor, and most importantly as the one to contact to “make it happen” or find out what is happening that might impact industry. He continues to be a resource in getting user friendly and technically sound standards to industry, ensuring that these goals are listened to in the many forums in which he participates both nationally and internationally.” EMC

Don Heirman is flanked by (from left) Rati Thanawala of Lucent, George Arnold, Chairman of the ANSI Board of Directors, and Herb Bertine, Director of Standards and Intellectual Property for Lucent. Lucent sponsored Mr. Heirman for his well-deserved award.

Lois and Don Heirman at the Awards Reception. The prestigious Finegan Standards Medal recognized Mr. Heirman’s extraordinary leadership in the development and application of voluntary standards.


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