New Regional Conference Coordinator in Region 8

At the Boston EMCS Board of Directors meeting, the Board appointed regional conference coordinators for IEEE Regions 8, 9 and 10. Dr. Frank Sabath was appointed as the first Regional Conference Coordinator in Region 8, encompassing Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Dr. Sabath is an active member and the recent treasurer of the German Chapter. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Paderborn in 1993 and the Dr.-Ing. degree (PhD) from the University of Hanover in 1998.

From 1993 to 1998 he was with the C-Lab, a Joint R&D Institute of the University of Paderborn, Germany, and the Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG, Paderborn, where his responsibilities included research activities on numerical field calculation and the radiation analysis of printed circuit boards. Since 1998 he is with the Federal Office of Defense Technology and Procurement (BWB). Currently he is a scientist at the Federal Armed Forces Scientific Institute for Protective Technologies and NBC-Protection (WIS) in Munster, Germany. His research interests include investigations of electromagnetic field theory, numerical field computation, investigations of short pulse interaction on electronics and impulse radiation.

Dr. Sabath was responsible for the organization of numerous technical workshops and lectures. He is a member of the steering committee of the upcoming EUROEM 2004. Based on his experience in organizing local workshops in cooperation with the EMCS, Dr. Sabath was selected as the first regional conference coordinator in Region 8. The duties of the regional conference coordinator are:

  • The coordination of local and regional activities like symposia, conferences, workshops or lectures. He has to see that these local activities do not conflict with each other or with the Society’s annual conferences.
  • The assistance for individual EMC Society Chapters in scheduling and organizing regional and local EMC symposia.
  • The development of guidelines to aid chapters in planning regional symposia.
  • The help of chapters with publicity and other services available from the EMC Society or the IEEE.

Any member of the EMC Society knows Region 8 as the host of important international symposia on EMC (e.g. EMC Zurich, EMC EUROPE, EMC Wroclaw, EUROEM), supported by active EMC chapters that are mainly located in the European part of Region 8. Below the international issues, these chapters are involved in various local activities like workshops, lectures or technical meetings. In contrast to the European section, there is no active chapter in the African part of Region 8. The two major challenges for the regional conference coordinator are the support of new chapters by regional activities in Africa and the coordination of local activities with the international symposia. Dr. Sabath defined the establishment of a regional symposia on EMC on a regular basis (e.g. three or four years) and sub regional workshops and round table discussions on specific items as long term goals of his activities. His interim objectives are regional events like lectures on recent EMC problems, one-week summer courses on EMC and round table discussions organized by diverse chapters in Region 8. In order to obtain these self-defined goals, he is working currently on an information and support kit consisting of a set of information sheets about how one can get the support of the EMCS as well as basic documents and helpful advice for steering committees and organizers of regional events.

Dr. Sabath is talking about organizing regional workshops on EMC related topics with specific chapters. As a first action in his new position, Dr. Sabath has had a closed door meeting with Professor Garbe, the chair of the German Chapter. The main topics of this meeting were a regional chapter chair meeting hosted by the German chapter, the organization of a regional workshop on numerical field computation and the support for the regional conference coordinating committee.

If one chapter, or a member of an EMC chapter, in Region 8 wishes to organize a regional event (e.g. workshop, conference, mini-conference) and they want to coordinate it with the EMCS or they need any kind of advice or administrative help, particularly in asking for support from the EMCS, then they can contact Dr. Sabath at EMC

Regional Conference Coordinators Appointed for Regions 8, 9 and 10
by Elya Joffe, EMCS Vice-President for Conferences

Recently, the EMC Society Board of Directors approved the institution of a position entitled “EMC Society Regional Conference Coordinator” for IEEE Regions 8, 9 and 10.

The Regional Conference Coordinators will coordinate and assist individual EMC Society Chapters in scheduling and organizing EMC conferences within their respective regions. With the proliferation of International EMC symposia, conferences and other events, the Regional Conference Coordinator shall help to coordinate those events so as to minimize conflict with each other and/or with the EMC Society’s annual symposia. For those Chapters who need some help in organizing a Regional Conference, the Regional Coordinator will develop guidelines to aid chapters in such endeavors. The Coordinator will also help chapters with publicity and obtain other services available from the EMC Society or the IEEE.

Following are the newly appointed Regional Conference Coordinators:

Region 8: Dr. Frank Sabath, Germany,
Region 9: Janet O’Neil, USA,
Region 10: Professor Shuichi Nitta, Japan,

Please feel free to contact them for any help in organizing your Regional Conference.



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