EMC Standards Activity

Standards Meetings in March
in Fort Lauderdale – Much to Report!

We had another Fort Lauderdale visit after our EMC Society symposium last August 2010 for the EMC Society Board series at the end of March 2011. Our standards meetings are always most of the day before the Board meeting and this was no exception.
     In addition to the usual progress reporting on our standards activity in the Standards Development Committee (SDCom), the Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom) held a meeting led by its new Chairman—John Norgard (NASA). He replaced Werner Schaefer who we again thank for his work to revitalize the committee in the past year. Don Heirman will remain as SACCom secretary.
     We start by highlighting the SDCom meeting reports on each of our EMC Society standards. The full title is found on the EMC Society web site under https://grouper.ieee.org/groups/emc/emc/ieee_emcs_-_sdcom_mainpage.htm
     Here is a short progress report as of March 2011:

  • Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) on site measurements (Std. 139): Current. Resolution of reaffirmation comments in progress.
  • TV emission measurements (HDTV) (Std. 187): Current until 2013, but consensus was that it needs updating for digital TV. Resolution of reaffirmation comments in progress.
  • Shielding Effectiveness (large rooms) (Std. 299): Current, reaffirmation ballot to be initiated.
  • Shielding Effectiveness of small enclosures (less than 2 m maximum dimension) (P299.1): Par extended to 2012. Draft was approved by SDCom 3/28/2011 as being ready for sponsor ballot.
  • Land mobile emissions (Std. 377): Current until 2013.
  • EM site survey (Std. 473): Project turned over to TC3. TC3 will hold a web meeting to finalize proposed PAR and to gather all existing text. SDCom secretary will work with TC3 and continue to monitor closely.
  • Field disturbance sensors (Std. 475): Current. Want to apply below 300 MHz. Reaffirmation ballot next step.
  • RF absorber evaluation (Std. 1128): Current. Interest in work up to 18 GHz. Resolution of reaffirmation comments in progress.
  • VDT emissions (Std. 1140): Current. Interest in applying to plasma displays. Will solicit interest through EMC Society Newsletter.
  • Gasket characterization (Std. 1302): Current until 2013.
  • Probe calibration (Std. 1309): PAR extended to 2012. Text was approved to go to sponsor ballot.
  • RF filter performance (P1560): Current. Resolution of reaffirmation comments in progress.
  • Computational EM (P1597.1): Current until 2014.
  • Computational EM practices (P1597.2): Current until 2015.
  • Intentional EMI to computers (P1642): PAR extended to end of 2011. Text was approved to go to sponsor ballot.
  • Line replaceable module testing for product compliance (P1688): Conversion of document to IEEE template complete. Working group has outlined an aggressive schedule. PAR extended to 2012. Expect to be in ballot in 2011.
  • EMC testing of Broadband Access Powerline Communications Equipment (Std. 1775): SDCom voted to withdraw as co-sponsor. Accepted by IEEE staff; standard published.
  • Power Line Harmonics (P1836/P1837): Policy and Procedure for working group approved. First face-to-face meeting in April. Over 50 people on working group.
  • Software Defined Radio (SDR) interference and coexistence (P1900 series): SCC-41 was reorganized under Communications Society sponsorship. SDCom interested in participating as sponsor and investigating possibilities.
  • Smart Grid interoperability (P2030): Sponsored by SCC21. EMC Society/SDCom actively engaged
  • Power-line noise complaints (PXXXX): Discussions with Power and Energy Society (PES) being planned.

     The SACCom meeting followed the SDCom meeting. John Norgard and Don Heirman are working on further invigorating the committee interactions by having each non-EMC Society standards organization present a list of their EMC standards and compare them to the list of SDCom standards for two reasons:

  1. To see if there is possible joint work between these committees and SDCom
  2. With approval, possible use of portions of the non-EMC Society standards in our SDCom work and vice versa.

     The full background on the committee is found on https://grouper.ieee.org/groups/emc/emc/ieee_emcs_-_saccom_mainpage.html

     What follows is the current list of SACCom representatives:


Confirmed SACCom Representatives
(As of March 5, 2010)


Sargent, Noel
Lukash, James
Petersen, Ron
Peterson, Ron
Smith, Doug
Heirman, Don
Heirman, Don
Pettit, Ghery
Pettit, Ghery
Moy, Kin
Williams, Kimball
Williams, Kimball
Hurst, Bill
Brumbaugh, David
Hoolihan, Dan
Jones, Brian
Schaefer, Werner

Represented Committee

AIAA S-121-2009
Electrostatic Discharge Society

IEEE Vehicular Technology Society

Society of Automotive Engineers
Federal Communications Commission

John sent out messages to all these members asking not only confirmation of their continued interest in staying on the committee, but to send back a list of EMC related standards that their organization has.
     This was quite enlightening as many of the above organizations had dozens of EMC related standards. For example, the SAE AE4 committee had 42 EMC related standards! Here is the start of their list provided to give you an idea of what is happening in this committee.

Partial list of the 42 SAE AE4 EMC Standards
The following standards are available at:

  • J1113_198708 Electromagnetic Susceptibility Measurement Procedures for Vehicle Components (Except Aircraft) (Cancelled Aug 1987) 1987-08-19
  • Cancelled J1113/1_200610 Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limits for Components of Vehicles, Boats (up to 15 m), and Machines (Except Aircraft) (16.6 Hz to 18 GHz) 2006-10-13
  • Revised J1113/11_200706 Immunity to Conducted Transients on Power Leads 2007-06-25
  • Revised J1113/12_200608 Electrical Interference by Conduction and Coupling - Capacitive and Inductive Coupling via Lines Other than Supply Lines 2006-08-30
  • Revised J1113/13_200411 Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle Components-Part 13: Immunity to Electrostatic Discharge 2004-11-03
  • Revised J1113/2_201008 Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedures and Limits for Vehicle Components (Except Aircraft) - Conducted Immunity, 15 Hz to 250 kHz - All Leads (Cancelled Aug 2010) 2010-08-06
  • Cancelled J1113/21_200510 Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement Procedure for Vehicle Components – Part 21: Immunity to Electromagnetic Fields, 30 MHz to 18 GHz, Absorber-Lined Chamber 2005-10-06 Revised
    The EMC Standards Committees will meet at the Long Beach Convention Center during the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on EMC – PLEASE JOIN US! See www.emc2011.org for the list of Standards Committee meetings with room locations, dates and times.

     We have a standards meeting for everybody at the symposium! We especially invite you to attend the Monday morning Standards Meeting on 15 August 2011 at the Long Beach Convention Center. SDCom, SACCom and our SETCom (Standards Education and Training Committee) will meet in sequence. Consult your EMC 2011 advance program or www.emc2011.org for the room location and timing.
     See you in Long Beach!             EMC





Call for Participants for
EMC Society Smart Grid Activity

In the Winter 2011 issue of the EMC Newsletter, we asked for volunteers interested in working on EMC aspects of the SmartGrid that our Society can bring to the table. The article identified that there is now a special committee (Special Committee 1 - SC1) reporting to the Technical Advisory Committee of the EMC Society. Details of the committee are contained on the EMC Society web site: https://ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/committees/sc01/index.html
     We had inquires from a few readers and there were some joining SC1. But we need more volunteers to review the EMC literature that is being written on EMC requirements for SmartGrid, offer new suggestions on applications, suggest possible standards areas, in addition to the usual immunity basic standards in the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), and in other areas.
     To further generate interest in this work, SC1 is sponsoring a special tutorial on the subject on Monday afternoon, 15 August at the Long Beach Convention Center as part of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. (See the EMC 2011 final program for the room number.) The tutorial subject is “EMC Aspects of SmartGrid”. It will present the application of EMC in supporting the design of a workable SmartGrid system that interoperates in the RF environment where it will be deployed. It will also review the primary EMC standards work being done around the world to identify applicable EMC standards that need to be taken into account for a robust SmartGrid system on the power delivery side as well as the power customer side of the SmartGrid meter mounted on the power customer building.
     Topics will be as follows along with the speakers that will make these presentations:

  1. Introduction of Worldwide Efforts to Deal with SmartGrid with Emphasis on EMC
    Don Heirman, Don HEIRMAN Consultants
  2. EMC Aspects of the Utility Side of the SmartGrid
    John T. Tengdin, OPUS Consulting Group
  3. Overview of NIST activities and the Activities of the SmartGrid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) Working Group on EM Interoperability Issues (EMIIWG)
    Galen Koepke, National Institute of Standards and Technology
  4. Smart Grid Activities in Europe with Emphasis on EMC
    Magnus Olofsson, Swedish National Electric Safety Board
  5. High Power EM Concerns with SmartGrid
    Bill Radasky, Metatech

     For those of you with an interest in the subject, please try to attend this session and the SC1 meeting which is on Monday evening at 5:30 pm. See the EMC 2011 advance and final programs for the meeting room number at the Long Beach Convention Center.
     Finally, to restate what is on the web site, the charter is as follows:

Special Committee 1 – Charter
This special committee is concerned with coordinating the EMC Society activity on providing EMC principles for those organizations and associated documentation and specifications that address the efficient use of the AC power grid including the control of power entering a house or building. Such control may be from a meter at the point of power entry into these facilities to control incorporated into appliances and other electronic devices in these facilities. Such controllers may be sources of undesirable RF emissions and at the same time vulnerable to the RF environment which speaks to the need for EMC. It is expected that the coordination aspect of this special committee will involve several EMC Society Technical Committees, including, with special membership by the EMC Society Standards Development Committee (SDCom):


TC 2: EMC Measurements
TC 3: EM Environments
TC 4: EMC Design
TC 5: High Power EM
TC 9: Computational EM

What are needed now are EMC Society members who can bring their EMC expertise to bear on the subject. So we are asking for volunteers to join the special committee. What is the job? The following discusses how to get started with our committee.

Interested in Joining?
If you are an IEEE EMC Society member and would like to join this special committee, please contact one of the SC 1 officers with your name and IEEE membership number. The committee primarily will communicate electronically and using teleconferencing. It will also meet face to face as needed and at the annual IEEE EMC Symposium.

Contact Information
Please contact the chair Don Heirman on d.heirman@ieee.org and the secretary Kermit Phipps on kphipps@epri.org
     Don’t wait as this activity is moving ahead with a lot of energy and pacing. Our interest is in a successful SmartGrid (SG) system. We have indicated already that for the SG to have interoperability you need to first operate—and that will require proper EMC design!          EM



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