Call for Fellow Nominations: Class of 2009

Being named an IEEE Fellow is a lifetime honor. It is recognized and respected by your colleagues throughout the industry and the scientific community as well. It is worldwide recognition for major technical contributions. Surely, you know some colleagues who deserve to be elevated to the membership grade of an IEEE Fellow.
The Fellow nomination category descriptions may be found on and are noted below:
• Research Engineer/Scientist: What inventions, discoveries or advances in the state of the art made by the candidate indicate innovation, creativity, and importance of the candidate’s research? List patents, papers published in refereed journals and other tangible and verifiable evidence of the candidate’s accomplishments. Where a team effort was involved, identify and document the specific technical contributions of the candidate. Describe and verify the lasting impact of the candidate’s contributions to society.
• Application Engineer/Practitioner: What product development, advancement in systems, application or operation, project management or construction activity, process development, manufacturing innovation, codes or standards development, or other application of technology was the direct result of the candidate’s personal effort? Describe the innovation, creativity, and importance of the development, advancement or application of technology. List the most important tangible and verifiable evidence of the candidate’s contributions and, if pertinent, relevant significant technical publications, e.g. patents, reports, articles. Where a team effort was involved, identify and document the specific technical contributions of the candidate. Describe and verify the lasting impact of the candidate’s contribution on society.
• Technical Leader: What outstanding engineering application or scientific accomplishments resulted from a managerial, team, or company-wide effort that was lead by this candidate? Explain the technical innovation, difficulties and risk involved, achieving economic acceptability, and other advantages. The candidate’s organizational position, while important, cannot be used as the sole evidence of achievements or technical contribution. Describe and verify the specific technical contributions that the candidate made which made the achievement possible. Describe and verify the lasting impact of the candidate’s contribution to society.
• Educator: What impact has the candidate had on education in the field of interest of the IEEE? What unique and innovative curricula or courses has the candidate personally developed? What innovative and unique contributions has the candidate made to engineering education as an administrator? Has the candidate written a pioneering text in his/her field? What impact have these innovations had? What is the range of acceptance, local, regional or worldwide? Describe and verify the lasting impact of these efforts on engineering education.
It is significant to note that since 2003, the fourth category Application Engineer/Practitioner above was added.
If you have a candidate, you must follow the detailed instructions on
The Fellow nomination consists of three parts:
• Nominator
The nominator does not have to be an IEEE Fellow or even an IEEE member. He or she has to fill out the four-page Fellow nomination form. It is not difficult to complete and should focus on the technical achievements of the nominated candidate. Self-nomination is not allowed; however, collaboration between nominator and candidate is almost universal. The nominator should inform the Chair of EMC Society Fellow Nomination Support Committee,, about the ongoing nomination and request support from this committee if needed.
• References
A minimum of five and a maximum of eight references are required from current IEEE Fellows. A complete list of IEEE Fellows is available on line at:
Please note that this is normally the hardest part to find IEEE Fellows who are willing to write a reference. Most of the nominations fail because the minimum number of five Fellow references was not provided. So, start now searching for references! The deadline for the Fellow Class 2009 is March 1, 2008!
• Endorsement letters
This should give additional information about the background of the candidate. IEEE institutions (Region, Section, Chapter, etc.) or other individuals may send these letters. Endorsement letters are not requested for the nomination but they are very helpful.


The deadline for receipt of the nomination form and reference letters is March 1, 2008. This is a firm deadline! Fellow nomination kits for the class of 2009 can be downloaded from the Web URL:
There are outstanding candidates around you. Please nominate them! If you have any questions about the
Fellow nomination, please contact Heyno Garbe at


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