Snowy Red Bank, New Jersey was the
location of the spring EMC Board of Directors meeting attended
by Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil and Board member (not
to mention past EMC Society President) Todd Hubing. Read about
the Board meeting on page 26. |
It’s hard to believe autumn is here. With these cooler days,
the warm, sunny time spent in Hawaii at the 2007 IEEE International
Symposium on EMC seems so long ago. It surely was a busy summer
of EMC activity as you can see from the articles in this issue.
They say time flies when you’re having fun – that
must have been true this past summer for many of us!
We have a number of unusual contributions to this issue of the
EMC Newsletter. In particular, EMC Society President Andy Drozd
has a unique perspective on EMC as described in the President’s
Message on page 4. I don’t think I know of another EMC engineer
who’s commissioned artwork to show the ongoing struggle
between EMI and EMC!
President Drozd has long been a proponent of investigating the
new technologies related to EMC to keep our Society vibrant and
current. He suggested two papers related to the emerging science
of waveform diversity for this issue accordingly. After review
by our Technical Editor, Flavio Canavero, and his team, they were
included in this issue’s Practical Papers, Articles and
Application Notes section starting on page 60. You are encouraged
to step outside the box and read these papers to learn more about
this growing area and how it relates to EMC.
Bill Duff contributed a timely Personality Profile for this issue.
He introduces Tom Jerse on page 24. Tom, along with Mark Steffka
of General Motors, is the technical program co-chair for the 2008
IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Detroit. This dynamic duo
promises an excellent technical program for the symposium next
year and they are certainly well qualified to support that promise!
You can learn more about Tom in this issue of the EMC Newsletter.
Many of you may know Mark from his work with the SE Michigan Chapter
of the EMC Society, his involvement with the SAE related to EMI/EMC
standards, or his work as a committee member of the 2007 IEEE
International Symposium on EMC in Hawaii. Mark has also been an
invited speaker at many EMC gatherings over the years, including
at an EMC Chapter event in Brazil. Or, you may just remember Mark
from being on the cover of the EMC Newsletter, issue 196, Winter
2003! Mark was instrumental in securing the EMC University Grant
Award and applying these funds towards creating an EMC lab and
establishing two undergraduate courses on EMC at the University
of Michigan - Dearborn where he is an adjunct lecturer in the
electrical and computer engineering department. He is also an
adjunct professor at the University of Detroit - Mercy. Check
out the call for papers for this year’s symposium on page
42 along with the advertisement for this world-class event on
page 43. You are encouraged to submit a paper or proposal for
a workshop/tutorial session! Note the deadlines!
Also in this issue, you’ll find many of our regular articles
such as Chapter Chatter, Board of Directors Activities, EMC Standards,
EMCABS, Design Tips, a special 50th Anniversary and History section,
and more! It’s not often that you’ll find the most
referenced IEEE Transactions on EMC paper from the past 50 years
published in the EMC Newsletter (page 46), nor an article on the
“Future of EMC” (page 50).
On a very sad note, we have a tribute to the life of Michael J.
Hart in this issue (page 59). Mike was killed in a tragic car
accident in his hometown upon returning from the 2007 IEEE International
Symposium on EMC. Mike was well liked and respected by his peers.
This is an incredible loss for his family, his friends, and the
industry. Many thanks to Glen Watkins and Henry Benitez for sharing
their thoughts on Mike.
In closing, I’d like to relay a comment I overheard while
at an EMC gathering recently. The comment came from a person who
had just returned from a large IEEE symposium and noted, “It
was nothing like the EMC Symposium where you know most people
and it’s friendly and family oriented.” I took this
as a compliment to our Society and when editing this issue, I
thought about the people like Mike Hart, our associate editors,
our members and our founders who have all contributed in a unique
way to creating our EMC “family.”
I hope you enjoy this issue. Your comments as always are most
appreciated! EMC