EMC Society Board of Directors Meeting

President Williams called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. A round of introductions was made. Board members present included B. Archambeault, C. Brench, A. Drozd, F. Heather, D. Heirman, T. Hubing, E. Joffe, W. Kesselman, M. Montrose, S. Nitta, J. Norgard, J. O’Neil, Z. Pantic-Tanner, G. Pettit, D. Staggs, D. Sweeney, R. Wallen, and K. Williams. Board members absent included R. Brewer, N. Carter, M. Hatfield, D. Hoolihan (left meeting early in day due to illness), A. Podgorski, C. Sartori, and R. Scully. Guests present included H. Benitez, S. Berger, H. R. Hofmann, and F. Sabath. President Williams presented the agenda, which was approved by the Board. President Williams called upon Todd Hubing to announce the results of the recent Board election. Nominations Chair Todd Hubing advised that Lee Hill, Fred Heather, Colin Brench, Francesca Maradei, Mark Montrose, and John Norgard were elected by the membership for a three-year term beginning January 1, 2005. President Williams advised that he appointed Heyno Garbe to fill the Board position vacated by Jose Perini. Mr. Perini’s term ends on December 31, 2005. Congratulations were offered to all newly elected Board members.

Treasurer Warren Kesselman briefly summarized his report, which was included in the consent agenda. He noted that the 30 September 2004 Cost Center Summary Table included in his report indicated a 3rd quarter operating net of $187,100. The table also included a year-end forecast projecting an operational surplus of $51,000. That projection is based on the observation that 3rd quarter Committee/Other costs were less than budgeted and an estimate of additional 4th quarter expenses. It must be recognized that this projection does not include market fluctuation and several other account adjustments that are made in December. Regarding the 2005 EMC Society Budget, Mr. Kesselman noted that IEEE TAB recently indicated that there might be an indirect infrastructure costs reduction that would have a positive effect on EMCS’s 2005 budget of about $17,000. EMCS’s Finance Committee advised IEEE TAB that it planned to use that cost reduction for increasing the budget for several under-funded committee activities; thus, retaining the same balanced budget net as submitted in EMCS’s Second-Pass Budget. The final IEEE approved budget is expected to be issued in December.

Secretary O’Neil noted that the minutes of the August 8 and 12 meetings in Santa Clara were approved as part of the consent agenda.

Andy Drozd of Andro Computational Solutions, Fred Heather of the Navy Patuxent River and Barry Wallen of Dell (from left) are shown following the Board meeting.

Ghery Pettit, Vice-President for Communication Services, presented his report. First, Newsletter Editor Janet O’Neil reported that the Fall 2004 issue is 80 pages and it will be sent to the printer on November 11. The Fall issue features the Santa Clara Symposium overview. There are over nine pages of paid advertising in this issue from a total of 16 companies. This is up from the previous issue wherein 14 companies had advertisements. The new “Consultants Network” is introduced in this issue, but only features two business card sized ads. Once again, Ken Wyatt of Agilent Technologies has provided the cover photograph for this issue. He continues to do a great job on these Newsletter covers. We are thinking of a including a new section in the annual Fall EMC Newsletter, which is titled “Show Stoppers.” The thought is to have several past technical paper/program chairs from the previous symposia anonymously visit the exhibitor floor and submit their top 15 favorite new products that were introduced at the symposium. Bob Olsen would ultimately cull this list and show on 1-2 pages the top five products that were consistently mentioned on each list submitted. We don’t have the details ironed out, but the goal would be to provide more exposure for the exhibitors and introduce new items to our readers. If you have any thoughts on this, please let Janet O’Neil know. Next, Transactions on EMC Editor in Chief Flavio Canavero presented a detailed report. He noted that the acceptance ratio for Transactions papers is approximately 50%, and is constant over the years, irrespective of the handling process used (manual vs. web-based). This is a clear sign of a constant policy over the years, not influenced by the operational details. A small percentage of papers (approximately 10%) are accepted without recycling, while most papers undergo at least one revision before final acceptance. By far (approximately 80%), the most frequent reason for rejection is the poor quality of the paper. More specifically, the two main criticisms are: a) Lack of originality (material already published elsewhere, or presented to a Conference; simple application of already-known methodology, etc.), and b) Lack of technical soundness (results and claims not sufficiently justified). For 2005, the Board approved a page budget of 750 pages. Early this year, the release of Manuscript Central version 3.0 was announced. Version 3 supports the same workflows and uses the same “centers” as the current version of Manuscript Central. However, the new version is more flexible and incorporates many of the features and functions based on the experience of use in the last three years. During the conversion, support received from the On-line Peer Review of the IEEE Operations Center, in the person of Ms. Sonal Parikh, was excellent. Professor Canavero noted that recently, he has been approached by several people suggesting that it would be very useful to have the entire collection of the EMC Transactions on a single CD-ROM (or a DVD). This is because the IEEE Xplore online service provides an access to the journal content limited to the last 15 years (since Volume 30, 1988). It would be handy to see and print old papers, without the need to go to a library, or ask a friend to fax a copy. The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the EMC Society could represent the right opportunity to make this paper collection available. Professor Canavero’s report closed with a discussion of a new publication called the EMC Letters. He is in contact with the IEEE Publications Department in order to define the technical requirements and to quantify the related costs. In addition, the formal steps needed to activate this new journal must be assessed. EMCS Webmaster Andy Drozd then reported that routine updates continued to be made to the EMCS web site. Although the site’s contents are reasonably up to date at present, some additional changes need to be made to update Chapter Chair contact information, calendar of events, Call for Proposals to host the 2010 EMC Symposia, etc. He has continued talks with IEEE about the possibility of them assuming the management of the EMCS website in the future on a day-to-day basis. The IEEE has provided an MOU, which outlines the scope of work for this relationship and the annual cost to obtain this service. The challenge has been to keep the TC websites current. Dave Southworth and Bob Scully have helped with updating the TC websites and making sure they are in conformance with IEEE template guidelines. Mr. Drozd noted that he has set up the private password-protected area of the website for conducting Board business. He will share information on using this with the Board via e-mail following the meeting. Ray Perez’s report as EMCS IEEE Press Liaison was then presented by Mr. Pettit. The decision to continue with IEEE Press will be made in within the next two weeks. Mr. Pettit will let the Board know about the status of IEEE Press in the near future. History Chair, Dan Hoolihan noted he would present the report of the 50th Anniversary Committee later in the meeting. His efforts are currently focused on the anniversary activity. Public Relations Chair Dave Staggs presented a report on the public relations plans. A proposal for the initial Mission Statement, Roles and Responsibilities, Job Descriptions and a set of 2005 Goals for the Public Relations Committee have been developed. Many members discussed updating the EMCS video, which was produced ten years ago. They’d like to see new technologies related to EMC, such as wireless, incorporated into the video to attract new members. Members of this Public Relations Committee are Mike Hatfield, Ron Brewer and David Staggs.

Board members and guests convened during the November 16 meeting, including Andy Drozd (seated), and (from left standing) Bob Hofmann, Mark Montrose, Elya Joffe, John Norgard and Frank Sabath.


President Kimball Williams (right) of Denso International America welcomed newly elected Board member Colin Brench of Hewlett-Packard to Chicago.

Andy Drozd presented the report of Membership Services. He talked about the 1st IEE/IEEE International Conference on Waveform Diversity and Design held over 8-10 November 2004 in Edinburgh, UK. There are many synergies with this organization and Mr. Drozd recommends that the EMCS get more involved. 150 people attended the conference. Mr. Drozd and John Norgard staffed a membership booth and signed up three new EMCS members. Regarding membership, Dave Staggs reported that Flo Haislmaier acted as the manager for the EMCS membership booth in Santa Clara with the support of local chapter volunteers. This will be her last year helping with the booth. Mr. Staggs is looking for a replacement for Mrs. Haislmaier for the Chicago Symposium in 2005. There were new photos for the booth this year. 44 new members signed up in Santa Clara. There was considerable activity in the booth with the surveys and distribution of various membership materials. Membership numbers seem to be slowly rebounding. The total number of active members as of September 2004 was 4,241, down 3.2% from this same time in 2003. Total IEEE membership is 349,436 (plus 1.6% over 2003 numbers.) Higher grade and student memberships are rebounding over 2003. The EMCS has elevated 37 members to the Senior Grade so far this year. The EMCS membership application is being uploaded to the EMCS website. Andy Drozd then reported for Lee Hill, chair of the DL program. The current price per person attending a DL lecture has decreased recently to $14, which compares favorably with past trends. The IEEE is now reviewing its overall DL Policy and Mr. Hill is monitoring this process to incorporate applicable portions into the EMCS policy manual. Mr. Drozd presented a report on the “proposed terms and conditions” of the DL program. He plans to send this proposal to the Board via e-mail and would like comments back within 30 days. He expects to conduct an e-mail vote at the end of the year so this policy can be approved and implemented in 2005. There are four proposed new DL candidates for 2005-2006. The Board approved the appointment of Heyno Garbe, David Pommerenke and Chris Holloway as EMCS Distinguished Lecturers for the term of 2005-2006. Henry Benitez next gave a report on the EMCS Awards. At the last meeting, the Board formed a Task Force to address the EMCS Awards process. Don Heirman, Don Sweeney, Andy Drozd, Elya Joffe, and Bruce Archambeault had volunteered to be members of this committee. Mr. Drozd advised that Mr. Archambeault would be the new chair of the Awards Committee. Mr. Archambeault advised that the committee would present the list of award nominees in advance of the May Board meeting. Ghery Pettit next reported on Chapter Activities. The Chapter Chair Luncheon was well attended. There is a new chapter in Benelux (Belgium). There are also potential new chapters in Croatia and Greece. The newly formed Rochester Chapter made a request for the Angel funds, which was approved. Mr. Pettit is working on the updated EMCS Chapter Chair Handbook. He received the one that the IEEE recently developed. He is incorporating parts of this in the EMC specific handbook. Elya Joffe then presented his report on Region 8 activities. He attended the EMC Europe Conference (the Netherlands). No new members joined, but there was interest expressed in new chapter activity, including the Macedonia area and South Africa. He also attended the EMC UK Symposium (England) and one new member joined. Elya will attend the EMC Zurich (Switzerland) conference in February 2005. Andy Drozd attended the 1st Waveform Diversity and Design Conference (Scotland) in November, and 3 new members were recruited to the IEEE and EMCS. Egypt has also expressed interest in forming a new chapter. He would like the Board to consider holding a Region 10 Chapter Retreat in Taipei during the EMC conference there. Next, Mr. Drozd reported for Carlos Sartori on Region 9 activities. Mr. Sartori is making progress in his efforts to establish a new Chapter in Mexico City. He is working with Dr. Valeri Ivanovich Kontorovitch Mazover of the IEEE in renewing the relationship with the EMC members there. Mr. Drozd also reported for Takeo Yoshino on EMC activity in Region 10. Efforts continue with chapter development activity in Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, and India. The Thailand Chapter petition is short of two signatures. There are difficulties with chapter formation in India due to the delicate “territorial” issues. Activity has stalled in Malaysia. Mark Montrose will travel there on business in the near future and will meet with the key people in Malaysia to assist in this effort. President Williams asked Mr. Drozd if having a colloquium and tabletop show in Australia would help encourage chapter development in that area. Mr. Heirman suggested that we invite the key members of the EMC community in Australia to attend our Board and Standards meetings in the US, and encourage them to submit a nomination for the next Board elections. Mr. Drozd noted that Bill Duff is looking for good candidates to nominate for IEEE Fellow. He has taken over this program from Don Sweeney who asked to step down as Chair. Todd Hubing, Nominations Chair, then reviewed the reasoning behind having nine names on the ballot for EMCS Board of Directors, in lieu of 12 as IEEE prefers. The Board approved Mr. Hubing’s suggested change to the existing wording in the bylaws, section 4.5, to read: 4.5 On or before 15 July, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall mail to IEEE Headquarters the slate of at least nine nominees for election to the six offices to be filled on the Board of Directors. A notice of the bylaws change will be included in the next issue of the EMC Newsletter. Zorica Pantic-Tanner next reported on the committee that addresses Financial Assistance Grants for disadvantaged engineers. She has worked on the policy for the grants and distributed this to the Board recently. She suggested forming a new committee under a new chair as she is completing her term on the Board this year. Fred Heather then discussed the Santa Clara symposium and exhibitor survey. 50% of the surveys came in via the on-line computer survey in the EMCS membership booth. The balance was turned in as paper copies. Close to 75% of the exhibitors returned their surveys. The mugs were popular and well received. Mr. Drozd noted that Dr. Elena Gertsman of IEEE would conduct the next IEEE Five-Year Member Satisfaction survey. He also advised that the IEEE conducted a membership dissatisfaction survey to determine the results of why members did not renew their EMCS membership. The most common answer was that people had lost corporate support; meaning companies were no longer paying membership dues. Another response was that members “were no longer interested in EMC.” He will prepare an article for the EMC Newsletter on the results of this survey. Regarding PACE activity, Mr. Drozd advised that Bill McGinnis wrote an article for the EMC Newsletter on PACE activities within the context of “redirecting careers” and “thinking outside the box.” This will be published in the Fall 2004 issue. In closing his report for Membership Services, Mr. Drozd noted that Ken Wyatt of Agilent Technologies is our new EMC Society Photographer. He prepared new photos for use in the EMC membership booth. These were used in the booth at the Waveform Diversity conference. The photos provided continue to be of high quality. Mr. Drozd and the Board voiced their appreciation of Mr. Wyatt’s efforts.

(From left) Frank Sabath and Shuichi Nitta acknowledged Zorica Pantic-Tanner’s last Board meeting. Ms. Pantic-Tanner did not run for re-election; she is quite busy as the Dean, College of Engineering, at the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Don Heirman, Vice-President of Standards, presented his report. Standards activity covers three major areas: The Standards Education and Training Committee (SETCom) chaired by John Kraemer of Rockwell-Collins, the Standards Advisory and Coordination Committee (SACCom) chaired by Elya Joffe, and the Standards Development Committee (SDCom) chaired by Stephen Berger. Regarding SDCom, Chair Stephen Berger presented a report on an IEEE standards initiative in support of policy-defined radio. This is a new IEEE standards initiative in support of the next generation radio systems and advance frequency spectrum management. This is a joint effort of the EMC Society with the Communications Society coordinated with the IEEE Standards Association. The new SDCom secretary is Mike Hart. The list of standards the committee is currently addressing was distributed in the report. Regarding SACCom, Chair Elya Joffe noted that he is sending the SACCom report to the Chapter Chairs. He created a contact list of the representatives and provided this list to the Chapter Chairs as well so they will know whom to contact in case they are interested in getting involved. The committee is focusing on proactive bidirectional exchange with other Standards Development Organizations. Representatives provided reports on CISPR A, B, and I subcommittee activity. The next series of Standards Committee meetings will be held on March 7 in Raleigh, North Carolina prior to the next Board meeting.

Situated on Lake Michigan, Navy Pier, site of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Chicago, has many outdoor areas for the public to rest and enjoy the surroundings.

Don Sweeney (left) of DLS Electronics and Todd Hubing of the University of Missouri at Rolla enjoyed the reception attended by the Board members and local Chicago guests at the Palmer House Hilton, site of the last IEEE EMC Symposium in Chicago.

John Norgard, Vice President for Technical Services, presented his report. He advised that the Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is Bill Strauss. Vice-Chair is Arto Chubukjian, and Secretary is Robert Scully. Mr. Norgard presented the list of TC chairmen. Representative Advisory Committee (RAC) Chair Fred Heather presented his report. The annual joint RAC/SACCom luncheon meeting was held on Monday, August 9 from 12-2 pm at the Marriott Hotel during the Santa Clara Symposium. Some 30 people attended. Updates were provided from the CISPR A, B, I, and H subcommittees, the IEEE SCC on RF safety, and on the RTCA DO160 activity. An article on the meeting was submitted for publication in the Fall 2004 Newsletter. Mr. Norgard reported for Maqsood Mohd, Chair of the Education and Student Advisory committee. The many committee activities in Santa Clara were well received, including the Fundamentals Tutorial, the Experiments and Demonstrations, the Student Design Contest, etc. A summary of his committee’s activities in Santa Clara was provided for the Fall 2004 issue of the Newsletter. Regarding the University Grant Program, Mark Montrose advised that he spoke on EMC at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo recently. He noted that there is interest in adding EMC to their education program and he encouraged them to apply for the University Grant Program. Tom Jerse of The Citadel has written an article on their use of the University Grant that will appear in the Winter 2005 EMC Newsletter.

When the Board of Directors toured Navy Pier, a technical show was being set up. The light and bright area was very attractive!

The Navy Pier complex includes the unique Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows. Dozens of stained glass windows are on display.

Elya Joffe, Vice President for Conference Services, presented his report. He introduced Barry Wallen to present his report on IEEE EMCS International Symposia, as follows. Regarding 2004 Santa Clara, the symposium did very well this year. The expected net surplus is over $250,000 USD. Regarding 2005 Chicago, Mr. Wallen introduced Tom Braxton, the Chair of the 2005 Symposium. Mr. Braxton took the Board on a tour of the Navy Pier, which will be the venue for the Symposium. The Symposium theme is “Our Kind of Town – EMChicago.” They plan to have more workshops in 2005. Some will be organized by local organizations such as the SAE and National Association of Broadcast Engineers. It is hoped these workshops will draw new attendees to the symposium. They are also planning on new activities to benefit the exhibitors. Regarding 2006 Portland, hotel contracts have been signed, but there is no further significant activity. Options for the social functions are being investigated. Regarding 2007 Honolulu, Mr. Wallen advised that Chair Janet O’Neil expects the host hotel contract to be signed shortly. Outreach efforts are underway to secure “public relations” committee members to promote the conference in the Pacific Rim. A schedule for the symposium week is being developed to take into account the special anniversary activities being planned. For 2008 Detroit, the chair is Kimball Williams. Scott Lytle is the Vice-Chair and Graeme Rogerson is the Treasurer. Nigel Carter’s report as the EMCS global symposium coordinator was transmitted via e-mail to Mr. Joffe and to the Secretary. From all accounts, UK EMC was a great success and virtually all exhibitors have rebooked for next year. He expects they will be requesting EMCS co-sponsorship again. Regarding EMC Zurich/Singapore, the TAC recommends “a ONE time technical co-sponsorship. While it is understood that this conference is associated with the typical Zurich Symposium, we do not have a clear understanding of how closely they will work together or exactly what sources the papers will come from. We will make any future recommendations based on how things go this time around.” Regarding the International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICU) 2005 Zurich Switzerland, the Chairman is Prof. Dr. Armin Wittneben (ETHZ). TAC recommends, “that we do NOT technically co-sponsor this symposium. It is the general feeling that this conference does not significantly involve matters of EMC. This recommendation is not a comment of the technical merits of this conference. It is just that we feel it is too far removed from our area.” Regarding EMC Europe 2006 Barcelona, the Technical University of Catalonia and the Ramon Lull University are organizing it. The TAC “strongly recommends technical co-sponsorship of this conference”. Exhibit Liaison Janet O’Neil advised that she is currently summarizing the comment cards from the Exhibitor’s Breakfast in Santa Clara. The general opinion of the exhibitors based upon comments received during the Santa Clara symposium is that the exhibitor fees keep going up while attendance at the symposium has been going down. Although attendance was higher in Santa Clara than last year in Boston, many felt this was a “blip” due to the local walk in registrations possible in the Silicon Valley. It’s also been noted that competing shows are offering more value to some exhibitors and the Board needs to be aware that there is competition for exhibitor’s marketing time and money. Some of the bigger exhibitors have been downsizing over the past couple of years in taking fewer booths. The Board needs to pay attention to this and the possible ramifications. Ms. O’Neil is working with the Chicago Symposium committee on a revision to the patron program. They are looking for ways to include the smaller companies who may not have a large marketing budget. They are also exploring new options. She has received suggestions from exhibitors that they would like to form a board, which formally reviews planned changes to EMCS symposia procedures and processes. This idea will be explored. Ms. O’Neil then reported on regional events with EMC Chapters in Regions 1-7. Since her August Board report, the last tabletop show scheduled for 2004 was held on Monday, October 11 in Melbourne, Florida. Clayton Paul was the speaker. Over 70 people attended from the general area and from as far away as Atlanta and Huntsville. Companies present included Northrop Grumman, Harris, Pitney Bowes, and NASA, to name a few. The audience was very enthusiastic and supportive of this event. It was their first regional conference in Melbourne and the Section and Chapter there are eager to do one again. Ms. O’Neil organized this with considerable help from Bruce Crain, past EMCS Board member, and a local company called Brennan Associates that is very active with the chapter there. The presence of attendees from the military/aerospace market in the area was a bonus for the participating exhibitors as this market is steadily increasing. It was also helpful getting the most current mailing list of EMCS members in the region in order to send them the advance program for this event. Frank Sabath next reported as the Region 8 Conference Coordinator. He showed the new organizational structure of the EMC Europe conference. This includes two ex-officio members of the EMCS, including the VP for Conferences and a member from Region 8. They would like EMC Europe to be considered as a regional conference for the EMCS. Janet O’Neil then reported on Region 9 Conferences. On September 30 and October 1, 2004 there was a two-day EMC event just outside Sao Paulo, Brazil at the Brazilian Space Agency (INPE). Speakers included Dan Hoolihan (Consultant), Todd Hubing (UMR), and Mark Steffka (GM) from the US, as well as two speakers from ETS-Lindgren, one from INPE, and one from QUEMC (a Brazilian company). Also, Carlos Sartori gave an excellent presentation on the IEEE and the EMC Society. He promoted the advantages of membership in the EMCS. Carlos and the other two speakers from Brazil spoke in Portuguese. Otherwise, the presentations were in English and from the questions presented to the speakers, it appeared that there were minimal language problems. Over 100 people attended. Four companies purchased exhibit space and were swamped with interested people at their displays during the breaks. The response from the attendees was very enthusiastic and the engineers were very glad to have a local seminar. A summary of this event was included in Chapter Chatter, the Fall 2004 issue of the Newsletter. There is a real need for EMC education in Brazil and the people there sincerely appreciate and value the time and effort provided by the EMCS with these regional conferences. Shuichi Nitta reported on Region 10 activities. Mr. Joffe thanked Mr. Nitta for his assistance in coordinating the MOU between the EMCS and the Taipei, Taiwan EMC conference. Mr. Nitta’s report listed the EMC conferences upcoming in Asia. Mr. Joffe suggested that the EMCS organize and provide sponsorship of a session to take place at the 2005 Asia Symposium on EMC, Taipei, Taiwan, December 2005. The Board agreed to consider this. In closing his report, Mr. Joffe reviewed symposia policy and outstanding issues. The Board approved offering EMCS technical co-sponsorship of the 17th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on EMC in Singapore. The Board approved declining technical co-sponsorship of the International Conference on Waveform Diversity ICO, in Zurich, Sept 5-8, 2005. The Board approved offering Technical Co-Sponsorship of EMC Europe 2006 in Barcelona, Spain, September 11-15, 2006. The Board approved retaining EMCS records of technically co-sponsored symposia in TIB, the German National Library of Science and Technology in Hannover, Germany. An MOU between TIB and EMCS will be coordinated and provided to the Board for approval. The Board approved sponsorship of a session on “Shipboard EMC” to be presented during the conference in St. Petersburg, Russia. The plan for a paperless symposium was discussed. At this time, there is no firm proposal for the paperless symposium, but further discussion with the symposia committees will be taking place to advance this effort. 2009 SYMPOSIUM LOCATION VOTE: Mr. Joffe asked Dave Staggs to speak for Austin and Fred Heather to speak for Fort Lauderdale as the location for the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on EMC. Barry Wallen then gave a summary of the pros and cons for each venue. He noted that he had toured the potential host hotels and Fort Lauderdale Convention Center with Janet O’Neil and Fred Heather in mid October. A ballot vote was taken and the city of Austin received the majority of the votes. Thus, Austin will be the location of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on EMC.

Board members Ghery Pettit (left) and Warren Kesselman (right) visited with Steve Laya of Elite Electronic Engineering. Mr. Laya is the Vice-Chairman of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Chicago steering committee.

President Williams distributed Dan Hoolihan’s report. Mr. Hoolihan had left the meeting early due to illness. The report reviewed the list of committee members, the various subcommittees, and recent activity with the oral interviews. A Power Point presentation on the history of the EMC Society is under development. The intent is to provide this presentation to the Distinguished Lecturers to give starting in 2005. Anniversary ideas from other IEEE Societies include an anniversary booklet, putting 50 years of Transactions on one DVD, special plaques and pins, and a luncheon during the anniversary symposium, which honors past presidents and founders. Mr. Hoolihan is also continuing to work with the IEEE History Center on the anniversary planning.

Andy Drozd announced that Fred Heather volunteered to replace Zorica Pantic-Tanner as chair of the Financial Assistance committee. Elya Joffe and Frank Sabath volunteered to be members of this committee.

Todd Hubing discussed protocol for conducting elections. The Board approved an exemption to the bylaws to allow Don Heirman, Warren Kesselman and Janet O’Neil to remain on the ballot for officer elections. Nomination slates were presented and candidates were asked to speak to their respective positions. As a result of the voting, Andy Drozd was elected President-Elect, Warren Kesselman was reelected Treasurer, Janet O’Neil was reelected Secretary, Barry Wallen was elected VP of Conferences, Elya Joffe was elected VP of Membership Services, John Norgard was reelected VP of Technical Services, Ghery Pettit was reelected VP of Communications and Don Heirman was reelected VP of Standards Services.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Heirman (left) joined Mr. and Mrs. Tom Braxton (right) and Bob Hofmann (center standing) at the reception following the Board meeting. The unidentified piano player was asked to play “Chicago, My Kind of Town!” Tom Braxton is the Chairman of the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on EMC in Chicago steering committee and Bob Hofmann is the Treasurer.

Nano Technology Council: President Williams appointed Maria Sabrina Sarto as the EMCS representative to the Nano Technology Council, with Mark Montrose being the back-up representative in case Ms. Sarto cannot travel. Society of Women in Engineering: Elya Joffe noted that Vidi Bar-Natan would like to act as the EMCS representative to the Society of Women in Engineering. The Board approved this appointment. 5-Year Review Committee/Long Range Planning Committee: President Williams suggested that our new President-Elect, Andy Drozd, form a committee to address the EMCS five year review and the long range planning. Don Heirman volunteered to participate in the long range planning committee.

President Williams reviewed the action items discussed during the meeting.

Kimball Williams noted that the next Board meeting would be on March 8, 2005 in Raleigh, North Carolina (Research Triangle Park). The Standards Committee meetings will be held the day before along with the Symposia Institutionalization Task Force meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Submitted by:
Janet O’Neil,
Secretary, EMC Society Board of Directors EMC

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