EMC Related Conferences
& Symposia
September 19-21
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Wireless Systems
University of Rome La Sapienza
Rome, Italy
Mauro Feliziani (Chair)
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of LAquila
67040 Poggio Roio AQ, Italy
Phone.: +39-0862-434421
Fax.: +39-0862-434403
Cellular.: +39-320-9231050
Email: felizian@ing.univaq.it
October 30-November 4
AMTA 2005
The 27th Annual Meeting of the Antenna Measurement Techniques
Newport Marriott Hotel
Newport, Rhode Island
Julie LaComb
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
Phone: 401.832.5491
Email: LaCombJA@Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
November 28-30
5th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility
of Integrated Circuits
Munich, Germany
Call for papers deadline: April 30
December 6-9
IEEE Asia Symposium on EMC 2005
Taipei International Convention Center
Organized by IEEE EMC Taipei Chapter, among others
Chang-yu Wu, phone 718.939.1713
Han-Chang Hsieh,
Phone ++886.2.86488058 x16
Email: Hc.hsieh@bsmi.gov.tw
February 28-March 3
EMC Zurich in Singapore
General Chairman
Ruediger Vahldieck
ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
Symposium President
Dr. Li Er Ping
A-STAR, IHPC, Singapore
EMCS Symposia Schedule
2005 August 8-12 Chicago, IL
Tom Braxton 312.377.3218
2006 August 13-17 Portland, OR
Henry Benitez 503.466.1160
2007 July 9-13 Honolulu, HI
Janet ONeil 425.868.2558
2008 August Detriot, MI
Kimball Williams 248.427.5325
2009 August Austin, Texas
Dave Staggs, 512.258.6558
IEEE EMC Society Board
of Directors Meetings
(For information on all meetings, contact Janet ONeil, 425.868.2558)
March 7-8, 2005
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
May 23-24, 2005
Tucson, Arizona
August 7 and 11, 2005
Chicago, Illinois
November 14-15, 2005
Portland, Oregon
IEEE EMC Chapter Colloquium and Exhibition
Table-Top Shows
March 9
Eastern North Carolina EMC Chapter
The Bruce Lee EMC Show
Workshops with Bruce Archambeault of IBM
and Lee Hill of Silent Solutions
Hotel to be determined
Raleigh, North Carolina
Glenn Robb
Glenn Robb Rtce
March 18
Tucson EMC/AP/MTT Joint Chapter in cooperation with the Antenna
Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA)
Antenna Calibration and Measurements
The JW Marriott Resort and Spa
Tucson, Arizona
Nicola Burgess/Sarah Splitek (Co-Chairs)
520.794.4486 / 0845
Janet ONeil, Exhibits, 425.868.2558
March 22
Milwaukee EMC Chapter
The Bruce Lee EMC Show
Workshops with Bruce Archambeault of IBM
and Lee Hill of Silent Solutions
The Four Points Sheraton Hotel
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jim Blaha
LS Compliance
262.375.4400, jblaha@lsr.com
April 25, 2005
Portland and SW Washington Chapter
Portland, Oregon
Product Compliance Colloquium and Exhibition
Joint event with EMC and Product Safety Engineering Societies
Featured Speaker: Todd Hubing PCB Design for EMC
Additional Topics Product Safety and Environmental Regulations
Hazard Based Safety Engineering, WEEE Directive, RoHS.
Henry Benitez
503.466.1160 W
503.706.1158 C
May 3
SE Michigan EMC Chapter
EMC Fest 2005
with Henry Ott of Henry Ott Consultants
Canton Summit on the Park
Canton, Michigan
Kimball Williams
Denso International America
248.372.8074, k.williams@ieee.org
May 17
Chicago EMC Chapter
7th Annual EMC Mini-Symposium
with various speakers
Holiday Inn
Itasca, Illinois
Frank Krozel
Electronic Instrument Associates, 630.924.1600
If you would like to add your name to the list of exhibitors to
receive direct announcements in advance of these upcoming tabletop
shows, please send an e-mail to
Please Note: For more information, IEEE-sponsored
and co-sponsored symposia can be found at the following page:
Enter the symposium name, time frame, and/or other pertinent
information (partial information is also acceptable) to search
for a particular Symposium. |